How a suppressor works


This is the exact reason that benchrest powderburner competitors clean the barrel after every shot or 2. They also use special powders that burn more completely than average powders, eliminating what was seen in the shockwave in front of the bullet before it even exits the barrel. At least we don't have to worry about that......

Tom Holland 
Tom - yes, PB Bench rest types clean constantly. I ran into another airgunner at the range, who obviously had experience with bench rest. I talked to him and he had something like 30 years in PB bench, and cleaned his barrel every 10 to 20 shots. Biggest problem he had in airgunning is to NOT clean his barrel every 10 or 20 shots. It was so deeply ingrained he was having a hard time breaking the habit. Then of course he showed me his target. 16 shot group, about an inch wide, the height of a pellet. Basically a rip in the paper an inch wide at 75 yards.

So much good information out there! Getting Smarter Every Day does quite a bit with ballistics, so I find it entertaining and educational all at the same time.