Has anyone purchased RTI Prophet Performance Compact yet???

Just curious if anyone has gotten the compact version of the RTI Prophet Performance. Of course, like most of us I saw Gregor’s video and I have been in touch with Francisco of RTIarms.shop and Edgun.shop.

It sounds like the gun will be a pretty good shooter. All the barrels in the compact are CZ barrels, according to Francisco.

So if anyone has gotten one yet, would love to hear the input.
I thought I read Francisco had a few.

Gregor did not believe the compact, with its extra empty space in the shroud was noticeably quieter that the 24" barrel 30" gun,

So, to me the full size holds sway, the 500cc bottle and the extra oomph a 24" (600mm) barrel brings, is (to me) worth the down side of the extra 4" of length

It is still sitting top of my hit list*, keeping of the Cricket tac60 and even the M3 at bay.

The man says no to me having a K1.
Francisco does have a few in stock, just no specs yet, and RTI still hasn’t updated their site, which shows for a poor launch. I do like the idea though of CZ barrels and switchable calibers.

Their site IS updated as of minutes (3pm West Coast time) ago.

Not a lot of details, but it is there. Hmm...



For some reason, you have to do a cut and paste on the above address.
@javichu thanks die the info and I’ve already spoken with Francisco after a chat with Alex from Air rifle activities. Once I’m back I. USA I’ll make the tough decision on what gun to get but that RTI PP compact is sure looking good, I just with they made it in 177. 

Edit update: I sent an email to RTI asking for some specs. To note, I can't say I am the most patient person when I want to know something, when the information should already be available. This kind of seems like an EdGun with the Leshiy 2 already being on the market before any basic information was available. Not having this information IMHO creates headaches for the dealers and something a company should spend a day putting together, then publish it.
3 (.22)in stock... supposedly. (2/ .25)

Anyone ordered from TalonTunes before... reliable or 50/50?


Well...it's here.

My first reaction...feels like a toy when I picked it up out of the case. Small and light.

I put the parts that I had on the full sized Prophet onto the Compact. That is a vertical grip and a Steiner, 3x32 T-Sight.

First quick shot, this baby is LOUD. So, on went the Odb silencer, also off of my full sized Prophet. MUCH better. The sight is pretty close from gun to gun. A couple more sighting in shots before this note and having to leave the house.

With the 0db on the barrel, it's stretched out to 30" long..! Damn. Will try one of my Tatsu's later, a little shorter. Should fit in the safe a little better than its full sized brother too !
