some one gave an anonymous red ball , mentioned i was spamming there a more proper way to inform airgunners about a a new place to gather over spring / piston airguns ? you can give me another red ball with some pointers as to how i might do that - i'm guessing you'll want to stay anonymous. i have so many redballs over stupid poop ( like cussing , which i occasionally do even tho i love Jesus )......someone gave me a red ball for farting..... i guess i could have put a link to the " springer lounge " .... - rane on red balls ! 
Probably just dont know you, and likely meant "click bait".

Have you looked at that site? The 1st thing is the SEND MONEY paypal flyover then after you get rid of that you " do not have permission to access..." So unless you register you cant even tell what info might be there. A private forum with no new postings just isnt that great.
