
I’m not sure it’s legal to shoot grackles as they are a native passerine bird. Yes they dominate my feeders but I like them. Added to that, I’ve seen them kill house sparrows. 
Starlings, house sparrows and pigeons I dispatch with pleasure and it’s totally legal in Delaware. I’ll do the same with collared doves when they show up. 
I just looked on nys dec. They are protected. But....... can be killed if you own a farm and are destroying crops between june and october.4 - Blackbirds, cowbirds, crows, and grackles may be taken when they cause serious injuries to agricultural or horticultural crops, when they cause a health hazard or structural damage, or to protect state or federally threatened or endangered species. Each calendar year, the person experiencing damage must attempt to control these species using nonlethal methods such as netting and flagging or other deterrents. For more information, please visit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service electronic Code of Federal Regulations (leaves DEC website).
all migratory birds are protected. that said, i shot my share as a youngster. we had a cherry orchard and they would line up on the power lines. as soon as one dropped, another would take it's place. a 200 bird day was typical. now, as an adult. i just shoot starlings and sparrows. 
yes grackles are loud and will keep songbirds from feeding, but i've found if i place a large quantity of cracked corn away from the other feeders, they'll eat that instead and cracked corn is only $6 for 40lbs.
i've also seen 1 bluejay scare away a dozen or so grackles, so i place a tin of whole corn near the feeders for the jays.