FX Crown Magazine - Redesigned


Sep 30, 2018
So if you're looking for a punchline, the design files are available for free download HERE. They'll probably be updated over time as things are added and tweaked, so it is my request you don't re-host them, they'll always be available free there so just come back to the source code. 


So first off credit to rj2239 for the inspiration for this project and developing all the little ideas and fixes necessary to make this work. And a quick side note the FX Crown and FX Impact magazines are NOT mirror images of each other, the Crown uses a bunch of minor tolerance changes in regards to chamber location.

The problem I've been having with my factory Crown magazines is that they keep throwing fliers. I predominantly shoot at "long range" (100 yards or greater) with JSB 18.13s, and a handful of rounds going wild out of every mag was just not making me happy. Interestingly I started tracking which rounds out of the mag went wild, and they tended to come from specific positions in the magazine. I cooked up a single shot tray which fixed the problem, but I also wanted a mag I could shoot from so that, particularly in the cold, I didn't have to fumble with pellet tins. 

So my hypothesis for this is that the Crown magazines have a minor asymmetry to them due to the clearance between the body axle and the follower enforced by spring pressure. Notice how in some positions the pellets won't drop to the bottom readily, probably in part because of this, and of course also because JSB's have larger diameter skirts than heads. So what if I just designed a magazine which, unlike FX's or rj2239's which was done essentially in 2.5D, I designed it in fully 3D so that there was clearance for those skirts?This way the pellets would be moved from position to position inside the magazine by their heads rather than their delicate skirts. Worth a shot right? 

Well this, is that. Its freezing cold winter here, there is snow on the ground (shoot prone) and the absense of leaves really allows a nice breeze to kick up while simultaneously making said wind difficult to read. So really that long list of excuses is my way of saying I've printed and tried a couple of these and they appear to work in comparison to the stock FX magazines. That said I would really I'd like to go out on a nice warm summer day in the grass and spend about an hour and a half shooting groups from the FX mags, these mags, and out of a single shot tray, generate a big mountain of data, and then compile it all for statistical analysis so I can quantify are these magazines better, if so by how much, and how do they compare to a single shot tray? If wishes were horses though, we'd all be eating steak, and given how long it took me to design, test, and generate assembly instructions on these mags though I'm not expecting to get all that done tomorrow. 

So here is the design, free for people to use and provide feedback on. Remember it is worth what you paid for it though, 0$, so please try to keep your expectations modest. This is neither a fully CNC machined magazine (although those with the tools could easily do so) nor is it a radical departure from the (in my eyes) flawed sprung-magazine-design so common these days.
That's a neat project STO and nice that you have shared it with others who may have found the same "problem".

My Crown .25 mag had two loading holes which on occasions caused loading hang-ups at #s 6 and 7 bays with the original King Heavy 33.9 gr pellets from the tin. As I size all my pellets heads and skirts to 0.2500" the "problem" does not arise for me and there are no outliers in the groups from that cause. The Mk 1 and Mk 11 heavy pellets group similarly. My 0.22 pellets get sized to 0.2180 for my .22 rifles but the only one of those with a magazine is the Excalibre/Tarantula/FX 2000 which is basic and not spring driven.

I wonder if you were to size your skirts down a tad, in a calibrated Bic pen tube or similar, would it solve the problem.

Others have slightly enlarged the problem magazine bays with apparently fair success,

Kind regards, Harry.

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That's a neat project STO and nice that you have shared it with others who may have found the same "problem".

My Crown .25 mag had two loading holes which on occasions caused loading hang-ups at #s 6 and 7 bays with the original King Heavy 33.9 gr pellets from the tin. As I size all my pellets heads and skirts to 0.2500" the "problem" does not arise for me and there are no outliers in the groups from that cause. The Mk 1 and Mk 11 heavy pellets group similarly. My 0.22 pellets get sized to 0.2180 for my .22 rifles but the only one of those with a magazine is the Excalibre/Tarantula/FX 2000 which is basic and not spring driven.

I wonder if you were to size your skirts down a tad, in a calibrated Bic pen tube or similar, would it solve the problem.

Others have slightly enlarged the problem magazine bays with apparently fair success,

Kind regards, Harry.

So this is interesting, I hadn't thought of this. You could use pellet sizing as a diagnostic tool to (potentially) falsify or bolster my hypothesis that it is in fact the skirts being larger and damaged by the FX magazines which causes the fliers. That is a very good idea! Thank you. +1 karma for you sir. 

I'm certainly not one who would know how to use the provide program but darn nice of you to share an upgrade/problem solver with your fellow airgunners.


I can't really call the design fully my own, because I borrowed ideas aplenty from one other person in particular who also open-sourced his design. Makes sense to give back to the community. 


Those are some pretty cool light. I like the collimated beams.

If you need a small CNC job done, let me know, I have a 4" Y-Axis, 9" X-Axis mini mill in the garage.


Thanks for the offer. I really genuinely appreciate it. Funny enough I actually have a 3 axis CNC mill too, but I print a lot more stuff because it is just so much quicker and more cost effective. I have given some thought though to how a stable version of this design could be scaled. While there don't seem to be that many Crowns running around out there, rumor has it that the Dreamline will use the Crown mag and if that is true, this might be able to help a lot more people..... if it could be converted into a format that didn't require you to own a 3D printer. The issue is really is that the FX design is optimized for manufacture on a 3 axis and so is basically designed in 2.5D. This design though isn't, and so your machine time on a 3 axis would be unreasonably high to get a sufficient surface finish. Really, you'd want to do it on a 5 axis, but machine time on those is more expensive and your trays are smaller ergo also not optimal. Really then, if you could get the scale, injection moulding or at bare minimum pressure casting would be a way to get this into more people's hands at a more reasonable price. At the very least, FX's soaring high price on their stock mags means there is a lot of room for SOMEONE to hopefully slip in and make a better product at a better price. *shrug* 
I can't speak for everyone else, but in my case I'll get a couple fliers per mag, and each one will be off by an inch or two from the rest of the group at 100 yards. You'd have thought it was environmental conditions or bad pellets or something if it weren't for the fact that you can shoot groups back to back single loading vs. mag and single loading they go away. If you don't use the factory mags, it is a sub-MOA rifle. 
That seems pretty much cut and dried. Single load sub MOA and with magazine fliers. But it doesn't seem to be ALL magazines from what I've read. Apparently a hard problem to nail down.

Unlike every other accuracy issue running around out there. :p I don't know if this will help a single person, but it is free to try so hopefully it doesn't hurt anyone at least. 

The whole magazine thing seems about as controversial to me as airgun cleaning, nobody can seem to agree. There was a thread flying around here somewhere that I accidentally stepped on this hornets nest, not realizing some people really think their mags are lights out while others think they're awful. *shrug*