Rat hit list 2018

Man o man what a disappointment, I was sitting a full hour before I saw my first one come galloping in from the property line coming straight towards me. I'm sitting in the dark with the nitesite lighting him up like its noon. He's totally unaware, line him up and SMACK. He does the chicken dance and from the very start I could tell he was big, at least 9 inch body maybe more. I usually don't go up and check them right away in case there's another about to pop out so I bide my time.

I keep panning and scanning and I see fur, ALOT of fur. NOOOO a raccoon has set in for his late night snack before I can even check how big it was. I run inside to grab a flashlight because I'm not gonna get up in this things grill if I can't see him. I get close trying to shoo him away, wasnt moving, just keeps eating. I run back and grab a broom and start wacking it on the ground to get him to leave it alone for a minute so I can see how big the damn thing is. He grabs it and runs off, ahh f^$k it. 

A little while later his offspring I think came along for a visit, no dead rats for him so it sauntered off. At least I got a picture of the second one I got, all in all a fun evening and I did see another that looked like a megarat hopefully I can get him soon. And I learned my lesson if I think it's big im gonna go check it out right away haha.

Second raccoon


Little fuzzy baby rat



Sunday night take out serveral rats.

This one with Hatsan Bully cal 25 ..the body must be 9 inches the first pic shows the entry point of the pellet


Secomd pic shows exitpoint of the shot

The pellets i used are grizzlys that i drilled out to ratsniper simular slugs


Till 20 meters the acuracy is one inch

The rat was 10 meters away .

The rats i hit with this pelleta are dead in under 10 seconds