First blood of 2021

And it’s a fly at 40 yards lol! I have to be honest, it was on the third shot. But it took some fast thinking and quick reactions so that makes up for it. Let me explain, the fly was walking and not stopping so I had to dope for that. The first shot was right in front of him...he turned just like a gallery game and went in the other direction and I tried to correct for the shot, but it all happened so fast that I made the same mistake again and put one right in front of him, again he turned and went in another direction. But this time he must have been winded and made the fatal mistake of a full stop. I was totally ready and drilled him. And so starts my 2021 pesting year. Thanks for sharing the drama with me! Hopefully this won’t be the most exciting kill of 2021 lol!
And in about five months or so it’ll be yellowjacket season! A chunk of chicken for bait and you can shoot for hours lol! You get to see some cool stuff too, I got to watch a big bald faced hornet hunting yellowjackets that were on the chicken. It would quickly grab a yellowjacket from behind and kill it and fly off with it, amazing to watch through the scope lol.