FFP at 4x, 8x and 12X comparison

Here is a series of 3 photos I took today while pesting on the local farm. Please forgive me for not getting the EXACT same frame in each photo, I was shooting free hand and taking the photos with my support hand. The scope is a CenterPoint 4-12x40 FFP from Crosman. Photos taken by Moto-Droid and side shot. The image is of a ground squirrel that went to heaven with a clean pelt. He was hiding under the ledge of rock after I missed him from 212 yards. I closed to 76 yards and called him back out of the burrow. I normally shoot up 50-60 yards on 6x to take advantage of the greater field of view. 4-8-12 is a nice progression to show the crosshair and FOV under increasing magnification. The camera does not show the image clarity that I see in the scope. I added the red box at the second hash mark to keep the size in mind.

1554146210_14955554665ca263a20e6cb2.03809623_ffp x4 marker.jpg

1554146272_14087427235ca263e067f473.77365366_ffp 8x marker.jpg

1554146296_12060032775ca263f85e6324.55287041_ffp x12 marked.jpg

Hope that helps somebody.