Eye Floaters(Grrrrrrr)

Does anyone else have a problem with eye floaters while target practicing? Does not seem to matter if its a scope or diopter sights. They appear as little transparent segmented worms that hover or float around in your vision and have the ability to obscure the bullseye at times. They are more visible while looking at a light background such as the sky or in my case a white target. So annoying.
Floaters are inside your eye. The fluid Inside your eye (vitreous) changes for some/most as they get older. It starts out firm when we are young, some describe it as "jelly like" substance. As you get older some will change from that thicker jelly into a thin liquid. Those areas with the liquid are what we see as floaters (afaik).

Keeping hydrated is always a good idea.....just not sure it's going to wash floaters away. LOL 
I remember seeing them as a teenager and discussing it with a classmate who had the same issue. Maybe it has worsened with age. I found closing my eyes and rubbing lightly does help a bit.
That is funny about the gnat Scalf, because I thought there was a bug crawling across my objective lens. Then reality set in... I am getting old....er.
If water doesn't work, I'm sure drinking more beer will. :)
39 here...and I have noticed the same worm shaped object in my vision for several years....If I look at the sky I can almost always see it and its always the same shape, kinda like a blurry worm. I eat well, exercise, drink lots of water, and it has never gotten any better. It is however more noticeable within my first hour or two of being awake.

I still remember the first time I noticed I had floaters and didn't know what they were. I must have almost rubbed the color out my pupils thinking it was a eyelash or something. Man I tell ya a ran water in my eyes and everything that whole day. I even thought I had developed cataracts...lol 
Those floaters can be irratating as well! 
No flickers yet, just the worm-like apparitions darting around in my vision.

Interesting thing......I just asked a couple teenagers if they have seen eye floaters and they both say yes. Neither have ever discussed it with anyone else. One says it changes shape and the other teenager says it is always the same shape. Neither are concerned or bothered by the floaters. One subject says they appear when the eyes are closed also.

I'm 49, and I've had them as long as I can remember. Sometimes they can get in the way (I'm a competition shooter), what helps is look from left to right (or vice versa) in a rapid motion, and refocus. If that doesn't work because they're too big, you can have them removed with lasers. For me, moving the eyes still works... for now. ;) 
We (members of the USMC Rifle Team) use to call them floaters. The team's optometrist had heard this question from many of us, and assured us it was normal, describing them as pieces of defunct capillaries which had broken loose in our inner eye. They become most apparent when they reach either the central focal point, or the retina, especially near the center of our field of view. As Jonnes described, looking left and right in various manners will "shew" them aside in most cases.

We would holler "FLOATERS" during firing on practice days, to which someone would invariably reply "ZERO FLOATERS"... crudely implying they had divested themselves of said "floaters" via intercourse the preceding night.