Edgun Leshiy "Dirty 30" Accuracy - 52 yards video

Most people don't consider the Leshiy a 50 yard gun, especially after a well known YouTube video cast a shadow on its capabilities. I was skeptical as well and hesitated to buy one for 3 years. Only after watching the Edgun Leshiy YouTube channel did I realize what the Leshiy is capable of. His videos show what this gun can do at short ranges of 25-30 yards, but unfortunately there isn't much data or videos out there that stretch the Leshiy's legs out a bit, especially when discussing the recently released magnum barrels from www.edgunwest.com in 30 cal and 9mm.

So this video is proof that this gun can deliver accuracy and power at ranges double what we normally think of when shooting this gun.

Tuning is required to achieve accuracy. That being said, the results I got were using stock components in the gun. No need for Huma regulator. Just a 30 cal barrel swap, a chronograph, and some time behind the trigger.

Went outside today after watching your video and shot my leshiy .22 in-between rain showers wind gusting to around 15mph verying direction from head on to left and right.these shots are from 54yards with hades 18gr. Im getting about 18 shots per fill (225bar) around 120 reg. didnt crono today because of the weather but I believe its shooting 840-850 fps
I agree its a great platform.

BTW all POA was the red dot no holding for wind.