Edgun Lelya 2.0 kills 53 Pest birds (that happen to be black in color)


Thanks for the clarification. Are these regulations for MN? Eradication of certain pest birds are different state-to-state. The birds in the photos appear to be quite large. In MN, they could be starlings, chimney swifts, or swallows. Swift’s and Swallow’s are federally protected in MN and they both need a depredation permit to kill them.

My concern to davidsng was this. Did the landowner apply for and obtain a depredation permit? He would have had to apply and receive recommendation from the Dept. of Agriculture which would have had to be submitted along with the application. I believe the landowner, or shooter, would then have to contact Fish and Wildlife after the birds were taken.

The OP said he followed the rules then changed “blackbirds” to “pest birds that happen to be mostly black in color”. Fish and Wildlife do not list “pest birds that happen to be mostly black in color” as being on their lists so I’d like to now know what species of bird he took. Then he said he made sure the bird had a piece of feed grain in its mouth before he shot it and took a photo of it. Huh? He gets cocky in his last paragraph and In his last entry, that I read last night, part of it was deleted which was aimed at me.
Thanks Bob-O for the clarification.

Plinker1962- I also saw your comment late last night to that has since been deleted. You must have a lot of time on your hands, and lack a sense of humor. Just to clear this up, what is this bird?


Is this a pest bird that is "mostly black in color?" Will you be able to sleep at night now? Can you find someone else to harass now?