DYI chronograph

For $30 bucks why reinvent the wheel. Just saying.

There are also several chrony apps for your phone. It takes some setup, and I never had much success with them, but they work on the same principle of two microphones. The phone "listens" for the crack of the gun, and "Thunk" of the hit, and calculates the speed.

There is one major difference in this technique though. The measurement is the "Average" speed of the shot, not the speed at the muzzle or speed at the target. That just means that if your target speed is 860 at the muzzle, your measured speed will be lower, depending on distance to target.

Members looking for a low cost option seem to like the muzzle mounted model above, I have a Combro, Caldwell, and just purchased the FX chrony. highly recommend the FX. Yes, it's expensive, but I'm spoiled now.

Good luck on whatever method you choose.