Diana Stormrider Fill Probe Alternative

Does anyone know of a fill probe that will fit a Diana Stormrider? My fill probe snapped in half and the Diana probe shows out of stock everywhere in the US since December. Wondering if there is another rifle fill probe that can be used to fill the Stormrider?

There are custom made versions on ebay, made from better materials, but they cost about $30 - $40 from overseas after currency conversion and S&H. I've been waiting months for these to come in to the US. (I'm too cheap to buy the ebay ones and am willing to wait a little longer.)
I ordered one from Airgunarcheryfun.ca. It has taken about one month for it to arrive and it cost a lot more than pyramid air charges! But I got it about 5 months sooner than if I had ordered it from anywhere else! It came from Canada so that is why it took so long to get here! They have them for a decent price right now on their website! I will update this once I receive it!
😁Its stronger than regular aluminum nut not as strong as steel. If you have any other questions go to their site and look it it!

👆 you said to go to their site, so I did. I could not find ALUMINUM STEEL. I have never heard of aluminum steel, so I had to go and look. Thought I might learn something new. Is that ok? Reminds me of sending a green helper to the supply warehouse for a can of striped paint and some alum. steel and I fell for it. Ya got me.

Merry Christmas