Daystate Huntsman Regal XL 25cal

When I was researching the s510 .25 I came across some some threads on the Regal .25 and it performed basically the same. Pretty sure you can expect around 20 shots per fill at 38-39fpe. Looks like Daystate did the same thing that Air Arms did with their .25. Slapped a .25 barrel on their .22 rifle and called it a day lol. If you don't mind the lower fpe and shot count I'm sure it's a great gun and as accurate as the rest. My s510 was excellent and very accurate, I just got tired of filling it.

Edit: I should add that you can probably get more than 20 shots but with a higher es. So maybe 30 shots if you're shooting within 30 yards and 20 shots if you plan to shoot longer distances?

Straight shooters has some pretty good info on the gun you can check out also.