Chipmunk Smackdown #5 (Video)

Hello air heads! :)

I have another chipmunk pesting video to share with you all. In this video I help 7 Chipmunks and 2 Red Squirrels cross over.
Camp Hajimoto is starting to see less and less of these chippies and the lawn furniture, Deck umbrellas, Tractor seat, pop-op canopies and other material covered items are less and less destroyed.

I also included a "Choke of the day" for your viewing pleasure. The COTD is a Red sitting tall and still for me and .......... WHIFFFFFFFFF! 
Well I hope you enjoy the video and as always folks, your comments and feedback are my payment, please be generous.

Thank you

Excellent vid! 

Check out my ammo box for pellets...😄