China’s Best


Dec 14, 2020
On, Canada
Of the 3 Chinese Springers (Xisico) I had anything to do with, 2 of 3 broke down. The 3rd only had 20 rounds through it. I have a friends Chinese springer, ( I believe same as Diana 350 mag. ). It’s been cocked but won’t fire. I got safety back in.

‘Trigger problems?
Don’t want to open with spring compressed. Or can I?
Any ideas? Crow 
 Pushing down on the bar by spring does nothing.
Personally, I'd say do nothing more until you call Mike at Flying Dragon Air Rifles, explain everything and see what he says. He knows the Chinese stuff inside out and should be able to tell you what's going on and how to get that thing to safely release so you don't, as a friend just told me, become another "Don't do this" thread.

  • Best time to try is between 9am to 12pm CST: (515) 924-3699