Bubbling Sound 74cf Omega Tank

I have the 75 CF Omega tank. Today when I picked it up I noticed a ticking/bubbling sound. I cranked down the vale to see if it just wasn't tightened all the way. Still hear the bubbling sound.


  1. Anyone else experienced this? If so, what did you do to fix it?
  2. Is this a safety risk? I just bought a compressor so slowly losing air in my tank over time isn't actually the worst thing in the world since I can refill any time. I don't want to have the tank explode though.

If it is loud enough to hear use a toothbrush and soapy water around the base of the valve where it attaches to the tank. If it is leaking there you will have to empty the tank before you either replace the valve o-ring or just tighten the valve to the tank. Mine just required an additional quarter turn tighter to stop the leak but you won't be able to tighten or loosen the valve with air pressure in the tank. Don't submerge the valve or you might get water into your pressure gauge.