• The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of a standalone airgun moderator is no longer supported in the Classified section. An airgun moderator may be included in your ad ONLY if it is "affixed" to the airgun. Please review the updated Classified Rules and Known Scammers List before engaging in ANY transaction.

Feedback Bubblerboy64 = ?


Jan 12, 2016
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
I purchased a Guppy Tank from bubblerboy64


He wrote offers considered, I offered him $325.00 and he accepted. I told him I would like his PVC carrier. He choose to not communicate that he would not be including it. Ok no biggee I guess because he did accept $25.00 off the asking price.

He ships the Guppy pressurized 300 Bar. This thread he started Hot Cars tells me he knew better.


I topped off my new expensive air rifle and when I open the valve to bleed the hose so I could remove it, I was like WTF is that burnt nasty smell? Open tank valve and smell burnt nasty air then remember he had a bad compressor.


To his credit he shipped right away and and the tank was packaged very well.