best way to break trigger lock? lost key

I'm with Paulcat here, although personally I'm a bigger fan of Bosnian Bill than LpL. *shrug*

Either way, my first thing to try would be to pick the lock. Trigger locks are typically pretty easy, and with a pick there is no real danger of getting grinder dust or metal shavings or whatever into your gun's action.

Just a couple places to look at potential videos. The other advantage about picking I'd add is that, if it doesn't work, you've harmed nothing and can always drill it later if you fail. Flip side of the coin, if you try drilling it and you're not happy with how things are going, you're kinda stuck finishing the job with a drill or grinder. *shrug* 

Either way I hope some advice here was helpful, and you get the lock open without too much trouble. :)