Tuning Bantam sniper HR BAR adjustment

For some unknown reason I decided to turn the BAR up from 135 to 140. I don’t know why as the gun was shooting great. My groups opened up just enough that it is not acceptable. I read here that I can turn the BAR back to 135 by shooting and then turning the reg adjustment screw ccw. Is it really that simple? Also I did not adjust the hammer spring because I am new to making changes. 
it´s better to bleed the bottle completely and then go a 1/2 CW to decrease it, then fill again and shoot some pellets to let the reg to settle again, then turn the screw CCW until you reach the factory settings again.... the bad grouping can be because of the unbalance between the HST and the REGULATOR PRESSURE, if you increase pressure, yo may have to add some hammer tension to keep it all balanced and achieve the same accuracy.

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