Whether it be a garden, suburb, woodland, field or desert, what does it matter what the place is? Surely the key element is whether the shooter causes, or appreciably adds to, the root reason for shooting to take place. 

Baiting with a few nuts, seeds, or rabbit etc is acceptable, also sitting in a hide, but creating or appreciably adding to a pest problem through baiting which actually increases the population can't qualify as pest control in my opinion.
  • If I went to a pheasant pen/feeder and sniped a load of pheasants from 15 yards with airgun and telescopic sight would I be a great hunter?
  • If I kept pilling up food for squirrels in order to keep them in a specific area, only shooting them say once a week in order to avoid pushing them out of that area, would I be a great pest controller to snipe at them with same equipment from same 15 yards?