ATN HD II power consumption

Hey after 8 batteries in less than 8 hours of use, I was all set to buy the power-pack from ATN. When I saw it was a standard phone charger USB set up I tried one of those solar powered Patriot power cells I had bought for my phone when fishing. It works!!!! No more batteries or a hundred dollar power pack from ATN. I'm happy. Now if I can master this scope and all it's functions that easily.
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Here is a picture of this set-up. Solar powered, I think this will work.
Well today so far I had had this set-up running for 7 hours and still doing good. No filming, just did some profile work and range finding with it, other than that just had it stay on all day to birdwatch. This power set-up looks like it will work. I plan to let it stay on all night to see if the battery will hold up to just that. I imagine filming would use a lot of battery.