Am I alone in Not liking a Pellet gun or

A baseball bat in a baseball game is not a weapon, a baseball bat sitting next to you in a car for self protection is a weapon. 

The moment you say "rifle" or "gun" the vast majority of the population will think weapon and no amount of discussion with them will change that. 

An airgun to shoot at paper may or may not be considered a weapon. The second you purchase or use it to hunt it's a weapon. On the far end of the scale anyone that thinks a large caliber pellet rifle capable of taking out boar or elk is not a weapon is not being objective in their belief.

At the end of the day the only definition that matters is the definition of the laws where you are currently in possession of said air rifle. 
It's not John Q Public It's Jane Q Public. She tried to ban toy guns from being made let alone sling shots, BB guns et all. You can see what her Idea of a weapon is. No sticks either. Careful who you breathe on and never ever scatter your spittle as you speak. I wonder when looking will be judged as a weapon . I know some municipalities and corporations have decided that looking at a woman longer then 5 seconds constitutes sexual harassment. Worked as an electrician over 40 years and ran into this over 10 years ago when we were required to sign a statement that we understood this "policy" of a corporation whose's bldg we were to work in remodeling.. I'm looking for a remote ranching community to lease some land, no sense in buying at 72. I want to be able to pickup and leave any time. All this stuff like family values( depends on each individual exactly what family values are). It's a shame you can't express an opinion or practice your freedoms among certain people.

Ha ha, looking considered a weapon......that can open a can of worms. 

Some local churches have banned women from wearing leggings on property due the disruption " rubber necking " it creates. 

Due to age and upper back stiffness, my flexibility does not allow looking for more than 5 seconds without considerable effort. 

Opinions cannot be expressed in public around certain people.....agreed.