Airhog tank filling..

I have been to the fire department and the dive shop to have my tanks filled although it may be your only options for now there are more inconveniences than conveniences in my opinion at least I got so frustrated that I just bit the bullet and bought a compressor I know they're expensive but if you start saving now and doing the research by the time you have the money new pumps that are out will have been put to the test and you will be able to make a-informed decision rather than just hoping for the best side note by the time I figured all this out I could have saved up the money for two airventuri compressors and save myself a lot of disappointment and aggravation but the fire station and the dive shop are a good source in the meantime just not long term
I have not purchased anything, but considering tha air hog full hog set up/.. comes complete, 5 ft. hose, regulator and a carry wrap.
looking at the omega compressor @ 1800.00 bucks.. but cant pull the trigger just yet for that.. If anyone has a better set up for less I'd like to know. I've seen used carbon fiber tanks for sale on Ebay pretty cheap but I dont know if the threads are the same to accept the regulator.
 DO check your fill place first! Many scuba & paintball shops will not give you a FULL fill, some will.
"I" NEVER had any fire dept. lick but was in larger city's. In A small town of 2,000 in TN I could have gotten the volunteer fire dept to fill.
Find out ahead of time.

I went with a 45minCF tank w/fill set up and only 12 1/2 years left for $300.00 delivered ( different dealer than you mention).

I also went with the ^630.00 Altros Boost si am free from any shops, As we must change to snow tires in the winter and chains sometimes - keep spare wheels/tires around- the little misses was HAPPY to buy a shop compressor, " and change tires like they do at the tire shop?" .

Keep us posted.

For what it's worth I contacted a local Fire Equipment Supply / Service company and confirmed they will fill CF tanks. They also have the the capability to fill to 6000 psi to getting a full 4500 psi fill should not be a problem. Google your area and see if you can find a similar service...

Our Complete Service & Maintenance Provisions[/QUOTE] (look for the SCBA fill option)

They charge $12/fill and that price is good up to a 220 CU FT tank :) 
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Be aware there are 3 different fill adaptors. Fire station, paintball shop, and SCUBA shop all can have different fittings. I have not been on AirHog's site lately but there used to be pictures of each adaptor. I used a SCUBA shop that was able to fill both paintball and SCUBA fittings. Before you order your set-up, check with the fill center that you use to be sure you have the right fitting.

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