Airguns Of Arizona M.O.A Challenge!!!


Group 13. I planned on shooting 12 groups but, during the transition from one target to the next, I pulled the shot a little early and it landed off the sticker. Looking at it, I made a quick decision to call it the starting shot of a group and continued to put 4 more right next to it. I tell you, this WolverineR can shoot! 


Happy shooting and good luck to everyone entered! 
Thanks Airguns of Arizona for the box of winnings!

A t-shirt, an Airgun Nation sticker, 3- AOA decals for the truck window, and enough targets to last the entire year!

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Bullet Proof Pellet Holder with a nice fillet in the bottom to scoop out pellets!

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I have to admit, I don't know what this is for. Perhaps someone here can help? It has a magnet at the bottom of the inside.
