22mm Skirtless Conversion Review

Went the easy way first, removed that last spacer. I'm now at 567 Ft/s and 11,36 Ft/lbs. I also removed the lube on the spring guide and spring and cleaned the internals again. I also removed 1mm from the spring guide (advised by Tony because the safety wouldn't catch every now and then) and used some 1200 grit sand paper to remove some material on the spring guide so the spring fitted a little bit better. It was a very - if not too - tight fit. Put the whole thing back together and as by a miracle, the rifle started behaving quite differently. Less recoil, much smoother, and it passed the pellet-on-scope test.

I'm going to leave it as it is for now and will shoot it for a while. This thing feels almost the same as my .22LR rifle now. LOVE IT!!! 😃

Thanks again Steve! 👍