1st Gold medal of the Olympics!

5 years ago she went on her first hunting trip with her grandfather. She squeeze off one and dropped her first deer. They somehow got the idea of honing her skills with air rifles.

To be seeded 23rd and to beat out top Chinese and her own more experienced teammate is amazing. A crowd member in Rio was blowing a can air-horn during the match. She kept her cool and nerve to win. Great for her!
I had an old Daisy 853, and also put peeps and detuned an S200. Bought the targets and piddled around indoors trying it out. I also have an IZH46 pistol and bought the targets. I am not a great shot, but have always been a decent shot. It is almost impossible, I can't even keep em in the black, much less score 10s. Pistol is even harder, shooting with one hand. I was terrible, even cheating, and using two hands.

When I say try it, I'm not busting anyone's chops, I'm serious. Get some targets and give it a shot. It will give you a whole new perspective, and appreciation of just how incredibly skilled these people are. They (including all Olympic athletes) are truly gifted.