Yong Heng Leak?

The bonded seal leaked on mine until today. didn't have the proper seal, so threw in a fairly tight o-ring. Stopped the problem for now. Anyone know what size that dowdy seal is? I'd like to replace with the right part.

Oh and the gauges on YH's are garbage. About to install my third gauge today. First two failed, first just quit working, always showed 1000 PSI, second is oil filled and so dark you can't read it. It works, but ya need to be able to read it. Hopefully #3 will be the charm.


The size is M12. There should be two of that size in your spares kit. If you would like a cheap supply of relative sizes, He's a link.https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32877796429.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.24c74c4dK4Jczf I very much doubt that this will be the source of the leak that the OP is seeking. His machine is brand new. This seal does not usually need replacing until several hours of use.

Eaglebeak - many thanks for the info. I ordered 20 new Xcell brand M12 seals, arrived today. Installed the first one. Figured I'd just get the best quality I could. Just looking at the seals, the Xcell was a better made seal. Will fire up the compressor tomorrow and look for leaks. If this fixes the leak, maybe I can hit 4500 again! With luck, I have 19 extra seals I'll never use.

Edit: Tested perfectly. The Xcel seal worked and now, for the first time ever, no leaks. Turns out the leaks were bad enough that now sealed, the compressor works about 25% faster from initial tests. I was losing lots of air! All good now. Thanks again for the info. Would have never known the right way to seal the leak without help.