Wraith 4K Max 3-24x50 for Ratting

I’m jumping into night hunting and will start with rats at dairies using the Wraith 4K Max

wondering if anyone has suggestions or experience using the Wraith for rats.

I’m new to night vision and have a few questions:
1. I assume this scope is the equivalent of second focal plane. What distance are you typically sighting in for? (shots will range from 20-60 yards.) 
2. how are you ranging distances? I’m using StrelokPro and can calculate hold over/under distances using the reticle tab in StrelokPro but am not sure of the best way to range and adjust at night.

3. Any other setup recommendations? Do you put bait out to entice rats to a known distance?


Brad in Salt Lake
@hearkens, have you ratted at night before or is this a new endeavor? While I have taken rats out to 50 yards at night, most are shot from 5 yards out to 40 yards. The bulk of the kills are sub 25 yards. I've gotten great results using a red light attached to my regular scope. Hundreds of rats would testify if they could. Only mentioning it as it's an inexpensive way to get your feet wet. As to the rats themselves? Scout and spot their runs and holes, use bait that's already on the premises. Set up an over watch where you've already ranged the distances and have at it. I use my PCP rifle for shots from 30 to 60 yards and my PCP pistol for walk about sub 20 yard work.
Hear are my first two unedited (first outing) videos with the Wraith 4K Max at 52 an 66 hards with a .25 impact.

Very impressive scope given that I have no experience . I used the 1 shot sight in last night and was hitting out to 80 yards today. 

My future videos will be better!



Brad Salt Lake