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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

At least with benchrest shooting, I believe the gun is more important than the shooter. Shooter skill is less important indoors, and outdoors under calm conditions. When the wind is blowing then flag and hold-off skills come into play. Also higher power / BC / etc requires less skill than (say) shooting at 12 fpe, since low power is more affected by wind. I've seen skilled LV shooters hold off 2-3 rings in the wind and get Xs.

You could also argue that searching for the best pellet is skill.

A gun that is not consistently accurate or throws 9s unexpectedly is hard to do well with. Rifles like this outdoors give misleading signals, prompting you to hold off for wind that wasn't there, etc.

My target scoring plug just came in the mail - guess I need to turn a couple of them 9s into 10s - 
248 sounds better than 246 LOL! 
on the subject of gun/ shooter, I do believe a rifle that can consistently place the pellet in the same spot over and over will reduce the skill set needed -- -ES and SD become very important when the win is counted not by 250s but by how many Xs you've got
Wow, you guys have been busy today ;-)
Good shooting "jsp2486", "CK", and Allen
Wow, told you guys I would be pulling up the rear. I shot 3 cards this afternoon.
236 w/ 4x...
236 w/ 4x...
235 w/ 4x...

I won't bore you with my low scoring cards ;-)
One thing for sure.....I'm consistent ;-) Consistently a poor shot ;-) LOL
Shot with my .177 Cricket rifle at 28 yds with 8.44 JSB's straight from the tin using my 14 rd magazine as I don't have a single shot tray for it yet. Also this was shot off bags, as I don't own a mechanical rest yet ;-) Sightron on 30 power......oh, and I don't have any wind flags either.
Excuses, excuses!!!!!LOL!
All my scopes have levels even though most of them I don't use in FT. I try to use them on the bench. I put a neat one on the Styer from my Daystate that I sold. It is a T that swings up high above the scope. I can just open my left eye and see it well without removing my eye or moving my head. I can' show a pic as I am writing this from my phone.