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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

John, what scope did you have that gave up the ghost on you? It wasn't a Sightron was it? Bummer.
My hat is off to you with all the hard work you put in to make to these matches. Wow, you're one dedicated young man. Thanks for the well wishes and best of luck at your match and may you have an awesome Memorial weekend as well.
Peace and reticle grease
It was a used Nikko Sterling Diamond. I don't blame the seller as it worked just fine up until it didn't. But I rolled the dice buying it and have no regrets. That's the way things go sometimes buying used. Thanks for the well wishes and I hope you set off some big blast corn bombs for the critters in your back yard this weekend. John
I had that happen on a Nikko Sterling diamond series - the erector broke--
they sent me a new one under warranty - but it looked nothing like the one I sent them-
they told me that this was the NEW series -
I traded it to SWFA - total POS 
'but it does sound like you've got a full boat John-
sounds like my life, but yours has more shooting matches in it 😬
Hope you have a good match and super Memorial Day weekend 
Thanks CK. As for he scope as it's a second hand, and possible third hand scope I'm thinking of making it a spotting scope as it is super clear and ranges very well. I can still use it to verify any new scope I buy as far as ranging ability so it won't end up as plinking fodder(think of the old tale of a sniper shooting another through his scope.. hehe). Anyways I hope you have an peaceful emergency call free Memorial day weekend as well. John
Thanks John- unfortunately the holiday is usually when they come out of the woodwork-
everybodies home, and the temps are climbing -business are slammed lots of opportunity for malfunctions machine and human😬
but must have been a problem with the Nikkos ?
i bought mine from AOA - think it was more than a thousand dollars with that big ole Green side wheel -and giant green turents
glass was clear though- and the bummer was, I'd never really used it?'but with my scopes - I really work them turents -
got to be repeatable and stay set, some sit on .338 Lapua's lots of recoil as well--
that's what I love about March scopes - constantly adjusting and always returns to original poa 
same with the Benders 
'people always wonder why the high price, and think it's just the Glass but----
'any hoot 
Thanks Mike! Your to Kind-
marksmanship is a perishable commodity - not that many years ago,I was solid as a rock shooting off hand out to 100 yards -
now I'm lucky to steady a pistol at 25 yards- blood pressure Meds and such-
so if I don't get out there soon, the window will probably close on BenchRest as well-
old age really is a B@Tch ! 
And it's unfortunate that there isn't any sanctioned matches in my state-just some @#@**
'I have hope that a club just south of me gets into the BenchRest game,and applies for USARB sanction -they shoot Field target in the fall --
also can't imagine that sport here in Florida ,in summer -today is a balmy 92 degrees with 100 % humidity !
I don't believe I'm at the stage in my life that I can realistically travel to out of state venues -
would need to retire from this business thing. -24/7----
and I do believe a move to the west coast of the country would be nesasary to find like minded people -
with a competitive vein -and the dedication to the sport -
lots of action in Arizona and your neck of the woods. 
have a great holiday weekend Mike
kind regards
You are welcome here in Arizona anytime. The Phoenix Airgun Club will be hosting the 2016 AoA's EBR (Extreme Bench Rest) later this year Oct 6-9, 25 meter, 75 yards, 100 meter, 10 meter air pistol, Field Target and more all in three days. Here at Phoenix Airgun Club there are over 10 different airgun matches a month at the club. Here are links to both web sites.

