Wobbly hammer pin ends the hunt -

I knew this hammer pin was just a little too wobbly, but I didn't want to waste this fill, so I decided to gamble it wouldn't malfunction during a hunt, but it did -

Managed to pop this one out of the top of a shagbark hickory, he fell into the crik - only shot of the hunt, couldn't cock to re-load.



I have a replacement Cothran Machine hammer, pin, and a spare pin, so no worries, plenty of hunting season left -

That old Panther 34 wouldn't have let you down! 😁

Sorry bud, had to do it heeheehee

I can relate, I took my HW100 out for opening day the other day, and got out of the truck and my dang fill tank was empty. The valve got bumped open the day before somehow. 

Luckily, I had my HW50S in the car so the day was salvageable. PCPs sure are a racket sometimes! 

Glad you got to get out and hunt, sounds like a fine day either way to me. And you didn't waste any rounds! Weather is getting nice, good times ahead!