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Will people stop Buying EdGuns because Russian made ?

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I'm in agreement with heavy-impact. The facts above and conveniently ignored by the media are shaping yet another false narrative. Not only do we love our Edguns, Ed's conduct here suits my fine, far more like the core of good folks in our mislead country than the buffoons who are supposedly in charge.

I still don't have a Leyla, any whiners dumping a .22 cal one let me know. ;-)
Wow, wow, wow and that poop is here as well! :) First of all, I would like to make clear my position regarding business. We keep going on working. I set the new working schedule for my guys -- now they are working 10 hours working days, 7 days a week since we have just enormous number of orders. They are happy since I pay them double for time they overwork.

Yes, we have some problems with the export now, but even if Russia is completely closed it will not influence to my company at all since, we have 100 % localization of the production out of Russia, thus the guns will be shipped all over the world without problem. I would like to see how UK, for example will ban EDgun made in USA or EU, based just on the fact that was invented by Russian guy, me, that would be funny :)

Moreover – we keep going on working on the new models and I think that you will see them in April/May already in USA and EU. As well as we are working on new accessories and I am sure you will like them, like you’ve liked EaZy, on my opinion the best filling option for now in the world 😊

Me, personally, never make equal the governments of any country and the people there. I think that is the way for restricted and stupid morons. Even if the country is openly unfriendly to us I still consider people there as normal until they prove they are not 😊 The same situation with the foreign countries now I got some messages hating Russia and supporting Ukraine but I don’t consider it personally and I don’t get angry and I don’t lose control. I just don’t care about such narrowminded persons.

I support my government in what it does. I know that it can be negative for me, since many people, poisoned by propaganda will refuse to take my guns just as the sing of their protest and so on – I don’t care, you know I always was direct and I always say what I really think. The Ukraine was step by step risen as antirussian State, with the help of EU and USA, who has supported all antirussian there. That is like you have a neighbor in your block of apartments and you hear everyday that he hates you, that he hates you language, your culture, that he is going to demolish you and he is preparing the weapon and so on, but he is just waing, going to gym, to the shooting gallery, and at the same time he is connected to your power line and take the resources half price of the real price. The huge number of the call centers, who frauded the old persons with the banks cards and fraud calls were located in Ukraine. Such a coincidence, for two weeks already people are not getting the fraud calls 😊 And so on, so on so on. You know, nobody in Russia is glad to what we have to do, but that is protecting us from the future problems, especially taking into consideration the fact that over 30 biological labs were found they, where the biological weapon was created with the help of USA.

Now, dear delooper says that Russia is the vivid evil on the Earth. OK, free man in a “free” country :) I will just remind you some history how Russia destroyed everything around:

Finland was created as a State in 1802 and 1918 got freedom by Soviet, Until 1802, Finland never had its own state.

Latvia, Estonia in 1918 (before 1918 they never had their own state).

Lithuania restored statehood in 1918, also thanks to Russia. In 1938, it was the Soviet Union that prevented the Poles from occupying it, who wanted to do with Lithuania what Hitler did with Austria. In October 1939, the USSR transferred Vilnius (Vilna) and the Vilna region to Lithuania, and after the end of World War II, returned Klaipeda (Memel) and some other territories to the Lithuanians. As a state, it was peacefully revived de facto in 1991.

Poland restored statehood with the help of Russia twice, in 1918 and 1944.

Romania was born as a result of the Russian-Turkish wars, and became a sovereign country by the will of Russia in 1877-1878.

Bulgaria, as a state, was born as a result of the victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, which had this as its goal. In gratitude, the state of Bulgaria participated in two world wars as part of anti-Russian coalitions. Now Bulgaria is a member of NATO, and US bases are located on its territory. But after 1945 there was not a single Russian soldier on its territory.

Serbia, as a sovereign state, was also born as a result of that war between Russia and the Turks, gaining independence on July 13, 1878.

Armenia, Georgia were physically preserved in the Russian Empire and were reborn as states after the death of the USSR.

Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia have never been separate states and were formed only as part of the USSR.

Moldova was liberated from the Turks and became part of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 19th century, having separated from the USSR, it became an independent state peacefully.

Belarus and Ukraine also gained statehood for the first time as a consequence of the Great October Revolution of 1917, which was later fixed by their status as republics within the USSR. And in 1991 they gained full independence.

Israel was created by Stalin, despite the opposition of Great Britain and the United States.

Twice in the last two centuries, Russia has granted independence to most European countries by grinding the armies of Napoleon and Hitler.

(For example, in 1945, the liberation of Austria from the Nazis, followed by the restoration of its independence. The liberation and restoration of the integrity of Czechoslovakia in 1945, which Hitler had previously divided into Slovakia and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia).

Most of the colonies of Western Europe gained their independence thanks to the global decolonization movement after World War II, in which the USSR played a major role.

You can also take into account the role of Russia - the USSR in the birth and formation of such states as the People's Republic of China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, North Korea, India. Greece was recaptured from the Turks by Russia back in 1821. The independence of Switzerland was won back from France by Suvorov.

Russia's position allowed Germany to unite in 1990...

And we probably forgot a lot of people ...

And now a little bit about the West and its actions:

The truth is in the following – now Russia is acting absolutely the same way the West countries acted all the time for their history and for last 30 years. Let’s me remind you shortly about some of the events.

Dresden, Germany 13th - 15th of February 1945, end of the war – USA and GB aviation on purpose bombed the city and killer over 100 000 Germans during just one night. Not solders, just ordinary people. They didn’t care about them. I remind you that USA territory wasn’t bombed, the GB territory wasn’t occupied but Russians, who has passed through occupation and genocide wasn’t so cruel to Germans as USA and GB.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki – august 1945 – Japan is over as the military force but USA made first time in the history nuclear bombing those towns, without any military need, on purpose to make Japan terrified – over 200 000 people died, citizens, not soldiers.

Yugoslavia – NATO has bombed the towns, bridges, houses and civil cars, killing many citizens who has no connection to Army. They did it on purpose just because they thought it would force serbs to stay against their government. NATO allowed albans to kill serbs in Kosovo and allowed to tear that territory from Serbia and considered it normal. Just compare it to Crème in 2014 – the population stayed the same and the citizens wanted, free will, to join Russia. In Kosovo NATO allowed albans to clean serbs until almost only albans left there.

Iraq – not the best country in the world, that is true. But the chaos after USA and others invaded it is much more terrible then it was before the invasion. And then ISIS appeared there, thanks to USA who has killed Sadam, putting all the country in the region in the complete destruction. How many people died there because of the “democracy” USA brought there? And how many people will keep going to die there in the future?

Checnya – I remember how West was care about bandits there, who killed Russians and other nations there. So, I think the West doesn’t see anything wrong in killing Russians in Chechnya or serbs in Kosovo, right? In this case what do you expect from us, to be patient and just wait our turn to be killed? You are wrong, we are very slow but when we start – you’d better go away…

Afghanistan. Yes, Russians were there but you can talk with Afgans and they would say you that Russians carried the war there but on the same time they have built the schools, hospitals, factories, power plants and so on. What USA has built there but the opium fields? Should I remind you how USA betrayed all locals who has worked for them just left them there to be killed by talibs? Do you think anybody in the world wants to be USA allyen after that?

Libia – Kaddafi was not the best head of the country, that it right, but the country was the normal one, there were schools, factories, Universities and so on. Now what? The wild field with no rules, not authorities and so on. That is the order West brought there? That is why so many refugees from that region in EU? Why. The NATO “democracy” turned not be so sweet?

Syria – West made a lot of efforts to turn it to the same wild field as Libia. They tried to do it but failed because of Russia. That is true and now Syria is recovering.

Ukraine – for 30 years West made Russians who live there the enemy of Russia and all Russian culture and history. I met some Russians from Ukraine at IWA and they were against Russia, saying that we are their enemies! Can you believe that? That is the power of propaganda. At the same time, they got Russian gas for cheap and other goods. If you read forums you can find out that Russians have different opinions about different things, some of them support Ukraine, some Russia but most of them are quite correct and almost nobody hate the opponents. If you read Ukrains – they hate us just because we Russians, they don’t care what we really think – we are Russians, it automatically means we are enemies. We are not human beings for them. Can you imagine when Russian people in Odesa were burned alive the Ukrains, many of them laughed and call it “Odessa barbeque”?! Can you imagine normal people can react that way?

And now compare how Russia made the operation with what I reminded you above. In comparison to what West did to all above mentioned counties Russia acted super delicate. I don’t know Putin’s plans, but I doubt he plans to hold Ukraine. If I were Putin in this situation I would destroy all military infrastructure of Ukraine, forced them sign the obligation be our of any military blocks and just leave it. Nobody in Russia dream to have Ukraine back to Russia, but we just cannot see how the fascist monster is growing next to us, the monster whos main task is to hate us. No, thanks, we would prefer to stop it before it turned to be too dangerous.

And even now almost nobody in Russia considers them as enemies, as well as we don’t consider Germans as our enemies doesn’t’ matter what they did to us during the last war. Noting will happen to any Ukrainen if he is in Russia now, nothing. Nobody will tell him anything. We don’t hate Ukraine, we don’t hate people there we just want to make us safe from the nazy monster they grow up there.

And compare it with what you are saying like “We, at the West, will not buy EDguns because you don’t juge Putin and the war!”, so you are like victims of propaganda, having no intention to find out the position of all the parts, primitive. OK. I don’t care. I am not Putin supporter, I had some problems in Putin’s Russia, I don’t support his policy in my country and you can believer I have too more claims against him than any of you, but in this, particularly case I just don’t see any other way to stop that nazy monster.

I am grown up to work with definite people but not with the phantoms which were given me by propaganda. Yes, we understand that USA is playing the game against us, they want to see us weak as we were 30 years ago. But nobody in Russia hates Americans because of that. We are able to devide the policy and the people. Are you able to do it? When Latvia made some antirussians steps some idiots in Russia told “we will not buy Latvians fish!” I considered such people as idiots as the polity of Latvia and people of Latvia are not the same.

And I have nothing against people in all the countries, I repeat. I would never refuse to buy something made in USA or EU, just because the government are against us, I am completely pragmatical, I pay money for what I need but not for my propaganda told me. In this case, you will be surpised, but we, Russians are much more free in mind now than people in West. For example the COVID hysteria, we just don’t care about it since our personal freedom means for us much more than the poop from media. By the way you can thank Putin for stoping COVID all over the world 😊

To buy or not to by EDgun just because it was created by Russian guy is your choice, I don’t care. I still working for making the best guns in the world and give the best service to my clients.

To know Russia and Russians just come here and you will be surprised. Ask Brian from EDgunWest about his three weeks trip to Russia and what he was surprised about. I think you will be interested in that 😊

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And one more -- you don't know Russians and our mentality. West wants to force us to move Putin out by pressing us, thinking that in this case our private will be higher than the common. But it doenst' work that way with us, in contrary, the more we are pressed the more we gather around the center. That is unconceous reaction. 

Even me, a person, deeply West, who hates a lot of things in Russia, made by Putin, who was always against him, who was punished by his system for willing to speak free what I want, even me, in this time, seeing what is going on agaist us I'd rather will support him than think something against him and what he is doing. And the more pressing to us will be, the more support Putin will get inside the country. 

We are ready to suffer, almost all of us, we, in fact, don't care since we understand that is the question of our surviving totally. That is like in the war against Nazy, people in USSR were not totally support Stalin, but when the choise was between Stalin and surviving, we choise Stalin and killed Nazy totaly. 

So, that is a great mistake of the West to try to push the Russians down just because they are Russians, that just make us stronger and getting ready to go forward to the end. Now that game the we will play altogether, thinking about sancsions against Russia as one way trip is completey silly, we all, in the world, will suffer, just look at the price for gas and oil in EU and that is just a beginning...

Once again I, as all of us, are able to devide the politics and people and we have not intention to get in quirell with anybody just based on the reason he is from the other country, which is not friendly to us. I hope most of you are able to follow that way as well. Any wars end sooner or later and we keep living alltogether...
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So we were waiting for this question. We have been prepared, Ed, knew the moment power was restored that Ukraine would be forced into a war, tragic for Ukraine, tragic for Russia, and tragic for us. So for the last few years, Ed and his worldwide distributors have been preparing for this moment A boycott, well, of course, that is your choice, but ask yourself who supports this war, who gets rich, and who doesn't? Raytheon and company are very happy about this development, I can assure you. Ask yourself who is happy this war is going? I saw some politicians gloating that they would prolong this war for decades, I was appalled, not because my business will be ruined, we are already prepared. What kind of human rejoices at protracted war and suffering of people? All I ask is to open your mind, look who benefits, look who supports and you'll know everything about this conflict. In my career I have held many strangers' hands as they left this world, more than I can ever count, every age, every ethnicity, there is nothing glorious about it I can assure you. 


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