It can be done in several ways. Buying parts 12, 14, and 16 will get you there. Stacking various plenums will get you there, but depending on the parts you use, you may or may not be able to utilize your second regulator. I took the hard way with my conversion and cut the air tube down and cut female threads in it. I then made a male x male adapter to mate the bottle adapter to the shortened air tube. Regardless of how to manage the above portion of your project, the stock will have to undergo some mods up front to accommodate the drop of the bottle adapter and also allow for the front gauges and foster fill fitting. It’s involved, but rewarding when you pull it off. My gun is a MK1 and I’m using a 170cc FX screw on air cylinder rather than a fiber wrapped bottle (needed the smaller diameter to clear a huge moderator) but the process is the same.