Wife said I think you have a problem

I mean, if your rifle likes then then it likes them. They are in production, you have money for them, the rifle likes them, you have storage space. We all know that lead is just going to go up in price and some manufacturers go out of business/merge/or get bought out. Only problem I see is they aren't sitting in sealed and marked containers yet. I need to go through mine to see what slugs they like and do the same...
I've never heard of any complaining about having just too much ammo. If those who have none because they failed to buy when they could, know you have some because YOU bought when you could.....you can imagine the possibilities.
Yup .. better to have to much. That knowing that you have 2 tins left..and no date of when you will be able to buy some.. like 2 years ago.
Guys, I really thought I had something to contribute to this thread....

😆 But, ALL of your responses are so totally hilarious — what is there to add?
This has got to be one of the most funny threads in a long while. 😆
Thank you all!!

⭐ To show my appreciation I got something for you to help you out:
➠ Just PM me for a 50% discount code for a 5-session treatment with a licensed psychiatrist of the APA.

➠ The shrinks call our particular disorder the COPE-BUD = Compulsive Pellet Buying Disorder.

Problem is, that the shrinks haven't kept up with the times. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Pellets aren't the only problem anymore, as the OP demonstrates with his slug stash.


I just had my twentieth therapy session this afternoon — after buying another cubic foot of pellets at TrenierAirguns.com — the prices were just too good to buy any less.
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