What pistol did you shoot today

+1 for the Predom

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Picked up yet another Crosman 357/Vigilante. This is the one that comes with the 3", 6", and 8" barrels. I usually do a trigger job on these but this one has a surprisingly smooth trigger pull in both double and single action right out of the box. Set up with the stubby 3" it has quite a bang. Got a nifty Crosman brand molded holster made specifically for the 6" barrel as well. Had fun plinking beer cans at 15 yds.

Finally had some sun yesterday afternoon. Put some rounds through the TAU-7 and HW75. The more I shoot the 75, the more I like it. Took some getting used to. Been shooting a P1 for awhile now, and I got so used to the hammer being the barrel release where the hammer on the 75 is an actual hammer that needs to be cocked. And then there's the zero recoil of the 75 versus the springer thump of the P1. Really liking the TAU-7 as well. Since I re-crowned and rebuilt it it's proving to be a very accurate 10 meter pistol.

Got an old friend and his son coming over for a visit today. The son is a Bond aficionado, and also loves WWII history. So, we'll shoot some Walthers this afternoon. The CP88 and CP99 are the type that use the small rotary pellet magazines, and the CP99C and PPK/S are blowback .177 BB. The 9mm P.38 is an all original late war Spreewerk gun made in July of 1944.

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