What do you wash your hands with?

Nitrile gloves and/or ironlion269's cologne are probably both effective, but be warned there is probably going be a good deal of whispering and odd looks wearing the gloves. As for ironlion269's cologne, well ... I personally wouldn't go there. In actuality the amount of exposure you get handling pellets and whatnot is minimal. Just wash your hands good with your preferred hand soap when done and you'll be fine.
If one were to believe everything written about the dangers of lead poisoning, none of us would be using it as projectiles!

Like all toxic substances, education is the key to protecting one's health. Read this: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id=10031

The text doesn't give you any specific examples of removing lead from your hands, but scrubbing with soap and water is an adequate defense. But!... If you're sorting or casting pellets, or other activity were lead dust may be present, additional protection measures are required. 
I wear the nitrile gloves. Then use baby wipes on my hands and arms, and...other places. Clean well and the baby oil in those things is good for dry skin and,...other things, just in case. Cleans lead and other metal stuff off my hands real nice. And when the large plastic containers are empty, they become pellet tin dunnage's!
