Well, look what came in the mail today. Disappointed in you USPS.

Look what I found at my door. Kinda Disappointing. But atleast my liner and TP came undamaged. Glad that Jeff at Trenier Outdoors properly packages everything. 

Here’s the liner and TP. Super Glad that they arrived safely and undamaged. Thanks Jeff!

I’ll post my results with the Kings, NSA 26s and 29s sometime today if you guys like.
Did you wear gloves when opening that package? It looks like the package was stuffed in the mail man's undies all day.

LOL! Certainly looks like it. I’m thinking it was left out in the rain.. it was super soggy when I picked it up. That would explain where it’s been for 8 days, maybe the semi truck driver decided to do some donuts while he was driving to the next sorting center.