Wall hanging tips

I used these rubber coated hooks from Amazon, they work well for me.


id say the standard 16 on center stud spacing works out for most guns, use a neo magnet to find the screws in several spots and mark them then dingle a line down your wall (masking tape works good) so you know where your at ... a level comes in handy to, you can hold your gun and one hook up to mark placement for one end and install it ... then use the level with the other hook in place on the gun to mark that one .. 3 hands helps lol ...
@-Blue That’s creative using guitar hangers. What’s the idea behind hanging them that way?

I used to hang everything horizontally using sheets of pegboard and holders but I wanted something more discreet. I got tired of hanging a sheet over everything to “hide my hoard” whenever I had a contractor working on something.


I inherited a bunch of lockers from work when they remodeled the break room and needed a way to hang rifles in a narrow vertical space. Now they are out of sight and I can lock them for a little extra security if needed.