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Vortek Products Inc. OUTSTANDING Service.

I have used Vortek products as well as others for tune kits seals etc. for several years.

I ordered a couple of piston seals recently and received a call to verify my shipping address because I had made a mistake on my online order. 

I spoke to the gentleman for a few minutes and found out he was a lead engineer. I began to ask him about which kit he would recommend for my R1. He recommended the PG4 steel kit. I explained that I had tried one but had some interference issues and had since removed it. 

He immediately changed the conversation to "We don't allow bad product out there". Let's fix this. Please send it back so we can see what the issue may be. I never even considered asking for a replacement. I know that not all guns and parts are as uniform or interchangeable as we would like. I just figured I would throw the parts in a drawer and use them later.

Today the seals I had ordered arrived. In the package was also a complete replacement PG4 kit! Unbelievable level of commitment to their product and the person I spoke to clearly demonstrated great ownership. 

To any other suppliers who may read this post: THIS is what good looks like!