One technique to help with multiple shots and holding your pistol steady, or even just one shot, for that matter, but multiple shots are aided by what was once called the reverse D. for right-handed shooters... other words, start on your target normally, front sight situated in your rear notch and aligned... raise your pistol and circle around in an upwards counter-clockwise arc and rise to your target bull. If you're sighted in for the distance you're shooting, as soon as the front post, nestled properly in the rear notch, touches the target, squeeze the trigger. Wherever your shot goes never mind, just duplicate actions till you can reliably get a group. If your group is left, right, up or down, adjust after using this techique to ascertain that you have a group. Also, do this AT 10 YARDS FIRST. This will give you the least spread for your effort. After adapting to this process at 10 yards... it will work at 20, 30, 50, and with some shooters 100 yards. The problem many shooters seem to have, is they cover the target and cast a hail mary to the target... some shooters are very good at this, much better to align your sights with your shooting eye and squeeze the trigger AS YOUR FRONT SIGHT TOUCHES THE TARGET BULL on the rise... in my opinion... :D :D :D