My best FedEx story with pellets ordered from Pyramyd (but shipped from Airgun Depot) for Utah-to-California delivery was:

North Salt Lake, UT ->Rialto, CA->Bloomington, CA->Kernersville, NC->Widerner, AR->San Jon, NM->Needles, CA->Bloomington, CA->Kernersville, NC-> Countryside, IL->Kansas City, KS->Farwell, TX->Flagstaff, AZ->Barstow, CA->Rialto, CA->Bloomington, CA-> Finally delivered ~ 2 weeks late after their 3rd arrival at the big Bloomington hub.

The funniest thing is that whenever they got to within 1 stop away from my local hub, they would be flown back to the East Coast, and then put on a truck for a snails-pace return to California. And this was repeated twice!

I will have to say, though, that this occurred in October of 2020, during the initial depths of the pandemic issues.

Only other issue I've had with FedEx is a broken stock on a rifle shipped to me on a short trip along the West Coast. That was a real bummer.

I've had generally good luck with USPS Priority, although on only a couple of occasions packages seem to get stuck for a while exiting CA, and end up being delivered a few days to a week late.
Where does "USPS...Now FEDEX" fit in? 

For me the absolute worst way to send anything is Priority Mail 2 Day USPS, usually takes weeks and no guarantee. May be different on the west coast but for me in MI. FedEx ground is my preferred method of shipping.

i think USPS Now FedEx == FedEx packages now seem to be taking road trips and doing some sight seeing across america before arriving to our doors.

and i would agree... usps has been beating fedex lately for me, but both still seem to have trouble with direction lol. UPS has been the best
Where I live (Western CO 18 miles from the Utah border), USPS is the best (and has been for the 3 years I've lived here), UPS is second best, and FedEx is the worst. UA sent me a package a couple weeks ago. It went to the North Salt Lake City facility where they sent it to just outside NYC. Every FedEx 2 day home delivery gets here in 5-7 days, if at all. UA is a 3 1/2 hour drive from me. When the package sorters get overwhelmed, they send packages "for a ride".
Yes, it's pretty crazy how packages travel to far away and distant places sometimes. I think all the carriers are doing this these days I don't know whats is up with that.

Much of the time when I order from Pyramyd or Utah my packages pass me up, I'm in the PDX Oregon area, and end up up half way to Seattle in Washington. Then make the trip back to me. The FedEx hub is three miles from my doorstep. But packages, as often as not, pass me by and make the extra 320 mile trip for some reason.
It's not just recipients who are mistreated. I have been a daily UPS pickup for 21 years. I processed packages for pickup and did day end around 8am today. At 6:15 pm I called the local UPS "Service Center". They said the driver was two stops away. I turned on the outside lights and all the lights were on in the house. When I called again at 7:15 pm, they said the driver was at my house and there was nothing to pickup- a total lie. No one even pulled into my driveway, and all the drivers had gone home for the day. Now I have to call billing in the morning and request a refund. They charge me a daily fee to pickup. It's really bad.
UPS, FEDEX, USPS, they all stink these days. And I don’t blame it on covid either, just bad management.

Yes.....just plain poor, sorry management. I have to say though, FEDEX and USPS the absolute worst. Here in Alabama, the county I live in, we just had a situation where FEDEX was dumping packages in the woods into a ravine. Several van loads!!! All this just before Christmas. Our county Sheriff is pursuing criminal charges. Unbelievable!!!
 Pyramyd Air or AD offer for their least expensive shipping SMART POST which sucks as far as shipping time. It starts out using FedEx but then hands it over to USPS. That seems to delay a couple extra days for sure. Takes over a week which sucks too. I have now found a place that offers USPS flat rate boxes at cost and stuff is here FAST.