Airgun Technologies Uragan 2 incoming

Didn’t realize the 600mm is shooting that hot thought it was detuned a bit more. I also have a STO Falx on the way probably overkill, but wasn’t sure if my Donny Koi would cut it. Btw gun looks great with that synthetic stock. 👍
I also didn't think that it would have this power , but , I'm good with it as the accuracy and velocity numbers indicate that it is in it's "happy place".
I have a Uragan 2 700mm .25 purchased and tuned from Tenacious Airguns shooting H&N hp ll 36gr slugs 975fps accurately.
You may need to test a variety to see what your rifle prefers. Good luck
Derrick does good work, my ghost from him had been very good. I’m actually considering selling my leshiy2 and having him set me up a slug gun, either 22 or 30 cal.
I also didn't think that it would have this power , but , I'm good with it as the accuracy and velocity numbers indicate that it is in its "happy place".
There is something to be said about a guns sweet spot.

I was able to get around 850-860fps with my M11 and 31g slugs but shot cycle was rough. Action was way louder and the gun was a bit twangy when shot, almost like a springer. Brought it down to 800fps range and it shot way smoother and quieter action wise.

I left it there and was done chasing numbers since realized this is its happy place.
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Just arrived and looks great! Will post another thread once I get to shoot it.