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Uk dealer refusing to sell impacts!!

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I see what you are saying but sorry I don't agree. For those who are more hands on, MAY want to tackle the issue, no matter how big or small, nonetheless its still an issue.

I will try to relate it to you this way, although its my opinion. Let's say you buy a nice car, say a BMW 7 series and the electronics don't work or the top of your convertible won't come down. Do you work on the car yourself or return it and call it a lemon. That's pretty much where we are now. The airgun community are not a bunch of tuners or techies who will take a gun apart and spend their valuable time trying to fix it. These guys purchased a rifle to shoot and enjoy the little holes it makes on paper, or to hear the ever so cool crack of a pellet going through a critters head. Surely you can see that? Purchasing a nice car and driving around with no music or ability to roll the top down blows! You paid for it, you should be able to enjoy it. Bottom line.
On the Money.

I don't think anyone said anything about FX, again we are talking about the impact here..even the subject of the thread is UK dealer refusing to sell impacts!! We are not confusing the two. We are being as clear and concise as possible.
Well here's one example!
“Marksman3006″Why not just ask impact owners here if they have experienced any problems. Start a new thread. If you own an impact then post so…..and include if you have experienced any problems that you have either fixed yourself and or had to send back for repairs. All impact owners should post…..especially the people that have had no problems whatsoever. That should shed some light on the issue. Would be easy to see the “percentage” of issues.
I had an issue with my wolverine when I first got it. Rifle wouldnt stay cocked consistently. I took the stock off adjusted the trigger, and have been enjoying it every since. Some might have gone through the massive pain in the ars to send it back…..for a trigger adjustment!

I bought one, returned it within 24h. Never looked back, I won’t support a company that works like that. I don’t care if their other models are flawless, I didn’t pay for them.

Thanks for further making my point. Right, that's one user. An ACTUAL end user who in fact had a bad experience with his impact. Based on that poor quality control which in turn was the issue he returned it in 24 hours. He refuses to buy from that company again based on that. So are you trying to prove my point? If so thanks. Cheers mate!
I'll just say this and then I will leave it alone. Yes the end use had an issue with his Impact. But then he chose to say he would not have any other dealings with the company no matter if all of the other products in their line were flawless. If we were to go by his example, nothing in this world would ever get sold and companies would get bashed left and right for no reason. 

I have no dog in this fight. I do not own stock in FX nor do I have some allegiance to them. I'm just pointing out it's easy to sit hear and bash an entire company when possibly only one facet of the company needs some polishing. If I proved your point then so be it.

This is what makes the economy so great. There are tons to choose from. Bought the BMW 7 series, didn't work out guess what. I'll get an Audi A8. Some people are just that selective with their standards and thresholds. Just one incident is all it may take for him that make the judgement against the entire manufacturer. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's his prerogative, his choice, his money. Why deal with issues when he can spend it somewhere else and get a better product.
"Boombots74"This is what makes the economy so great. There are tons to choose from. Bought the BMW 7 series, didn't work out guess what. I'll get an Audi A8. Some people are just that selective with their standards and thresholds. Just one incident is all it may take for him that make the judgement against the entire manufacturer. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's his prerogative, his choice, his money. Why deal with issues when he can spend it somewhere else and get a better product.
I don't think your BMW / car analogy is pertinent here. You're saying:

"Let’s say you buy a nice car, say a BMW 7 series and the electronics don’t work or the top of your convertible won’t come down. Do you work on the car yourself or return it and call it a lemon. That’s pretty much where we are now. "

That's not really accurate. You realistically can only do one of those things, work on it yourself. There is no federal law in place that would allow you to simply return the car to the dealership, inclusive of the lemon law.The lemon law only applies if the same issue happens to the same car in excess of three times in a row and can not be fixed, which I can tell you from experience, pretty much never happens these days.

The only recourse you have at that point is arbitration and beyond that, seek retribution through the lemon law, which is a long, arduous process in itself, only if arbitration is unable to come to an agreement. More practically, and what 99.9% of the sane population chooses, you would elect to have the car fixed under warranty and move on your merry way.

Additionally, most people are under the impression there is a 3 day return period. This is not so. There is a federal law that is called a "three day right to rescind" which only applies if someone came to your house and knocked on your door, soliciting you to buy a BMW, or whatever the goods are, and this is obviously never the case. I've been in the auto industry for 20 years, many many customers have tried to take the "I'll just return it" path, none have ever succeeded unless the dealership agrees to that path, simple out of a belief that it is the right thing to do, which does happen. Dealers are just people too, at the end of the day, and many of them do try to do the right thing. 

With FX, and airguns in general, you can either fix it yourself or get it fixed under warranty. Additionally, the air gun business, retailers in particular, are very forgiving and we are able to exercise the luxury, not the right, to return the defective item for our choice of warranty repair, replacement, or refund. 

As for your point of view on the BMW/ Audi part:

"Bought the BMW 7 series, didn’t work out guess what. I’ll get an Audi A8. "

Go ahead and trade in that BMW towards an Audi and see how much money you lose in depreciation. You won't want to do that too many times. You are losing nothing other than maybe shipping to return your air gun. We should be thankful that our hobby is comprised of mostly really great people, on both sides of the fence. There is rarely, if ever a situation that I've heard of where someone just has the door slammed in their face. Regardless of the complaints here on the forum, and regardless of brand or manufacturer or retailer, no on has said they are stuck with a $2000 paper weight that they can't return or get fixed. The fact that you can just send it back if you are dissatisfied is a self evident truth that both the manufacturers and retailers are standing behind their products. At the end of the day, this is the most important part and is something we all should be very thankful for.
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Just to make my point very clear. I have no problem with FX. I would buy one tomorrow if I had the money. But not an Impact. I think the dealer did just what he thought was right. He thought it was right for his business and right for his customers. I agree. I do not know the number of Impacts sold nor the number of repairs. I don't care. My point is FX doesn't want this to happen, Blackpool doesn't want this to happen. The OP is not bashing FX, he is not bashing Blackpool. Just pointing out that that the Impacts are not meeting customers expectations. They are also FX customers and are not happy with the product. Both have to do what is good for their business.
That is it nothing more nothing less.

"ozone08"Wow we really getting deep into this BMW thing now even with a sprinkle of law. I learn something new every time I come here :)

haha, yeah Ozone, I think some of us get a little carried away sometimes, myself included. What do shrinks call it? Confirmation bias or something like that? Sometimes we just have to remember it's really just not that big of a deal. 

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"Erik"Why are you defending FX? Do you think it is ok to sell a product that clearly has issues?
Some people take it as a personal insult if anyone says anything bad about a product or brand they have bought.

I can kind of understand it as it does feel a little sucky if you just paid $1500 or $2000 for something based on all the recommendations and suddenly everyone is saying it wasn't such a good idea after all. 

I think it's important to be able to discuss factual events or problems instead of just pretending they aren't there though. 

I also think that quality control across the air gun industry is lower than it should be. Manufacturers (not just FX) have gotten a little too comfortable charging $1500 or $2000 without putting in the time, effort and materials to make the product worth the money. I mean... beach wood on a $1500 air gun stock.... behave!

At that price, it should be someone's job in the factory to properly test each unit. Fire some pellets at 50 yards to check it groups. Store it for a week to make sure it holds air. Check the internal components after shooting it to make the magazine isn't being grated like cheese. Actually look at the thing and reject parts with noticeable blemishes that shouldn't be there on a $2000 air gun. And...obviously don't use soft metals like brass anywhere on a pcp gun. Not even the fill probe. Never ever, ever, ever use anything that will obviously break.

Will that hat cost them more? Yes... but so it should...
I will say this most forums all have sponsors and many people on the forums may have an agenda and many are just plain old hobbyists. I don't blame someone for freaking out because they spent hard earned money on something and it was a lemon. I personally would give the seller the chance to correct it and make me happy before I put anything on a forum. If they corrected it I would give them praise if they didn't I would give them the hammer. I will also say I think the Airgun market brings stuff out prematurely. If you can't meet the demands for quality of the models you have don't bring out new models, or limit the number of models you have until they are quality that is acceptable.
​one thing I see is you have a manufacturer trying to meet everyone's needs with one gun, you take a gun that is incredible at 12ft lbs and sucks at 32 ft lbs and vice versa. Everybody chases the profit so you cant blame them for trying. but you can for inferior quality and problems.
​Being involved with the Firearms industry and Airguns, I will say that I personally have never bought an airgun that I didn't have to tweak modify or fix to get it to work how I expected it to. And that is with the top 4 high end manufacturers. I also understand that most 2k rifles can be non functional because of a .10 oring. Also many airguns are not built with proper materials. I have seen many parts that should have been heat treated or a better material in its place to work properly and not have longevity issues.
​I don't know what I would do if I bought an airgun and it was perfect out of the box......still waiting for my unicorn.....so I'm building my own.....
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hi azbobcat, in reply to you post, I would say that up to five years ago, the time I bought my last air arms prosport , I had three and one tx200, ´till I threw all away,and I moved to pcp´s, now with three HW100´s. those springers were the best out of the box air guns you could buy. I was able to buy them from the UK, BAR blackpool airguns , bought there, two prosport and here potugal, one tx and the third prosport. I got the fac kits from Lloyd from Bar. they were just great if not the best springers you could buy. great groups up to 60 meters,then as I said, I committed the mortal sin and moved to pcp´s, and having to learn to deal with change of weather, cold and hot days, and zero the guns accordingly. quite challenging at times, more so if you bench rest. then again , although been playing with airgungs for the last sixty years, I still find myself thinking that I`ve got a lot yet to learn. hope I still got the time......
This problem is not just in the air gun industry but throughout manufacturing. I just had two dental chairs go out that only needed a new gear box (after 12 years). Everything was proprietary so nothing could be salvaged ( I should have been able to use or sell something). I had to throw $20,000.00 of equipment in the Dumpster. The guy at headquarters stated that they only support their products for a limited time and they couldn't get the chinese part any more (really). In the past, most of their products lasted 30 years and that's why you paid extra and bought their product. They told me they would give me "free" upolstery which I never had to pay extra before and with all the discounts they were giving me (LOL), it would ONLY cost me $35,000. I told them to go to hell and literally threw the rep out of my office. I went with a competitor that did not have proprietary parts, would support their product in the future, no extra for upolstery, and cost about 10k less. This company will not be "on top" for long. You can't treat customers like crap and expect them to repeat business with you or refer their friend.
Five out six air guns nominated for airgun of the year having quality control issue is not really good. May be a rant? Guess he, maybe like us, are tired of dealing with recalls and he is sending a message to manufacturing that if they don't spend more on quality control, he is going to start naming names so to speak.
Just my 2 cents

From the OP "the scope rail also needs to be at least 10 moa because of barrel droop".

Geez! I figured that out on my Impact back in what, June? AOA confirmed that all guns in inventory had that issue and FX still hasn't fix it? Update the CNC program already or give everyone free FX No Limit rings. In 40+ years of shooting rifles (yea, I'm over 50) I never needed to add "No Limit" rings to any of my rifles to sight them in correctly.
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