TX200 Screw Tightening Specs

There are no factory specs that I am aware of. The beech stock is pretty resistant to compression. On a beech stock I am using 25-30 lb-in on the forward trigger guard screw, and 15-20 lb-in on the forend screws. I tighten in 5 lb-in stages on all screws until reaching final torque. The rear guard screw I just hand tighten. You may want to start at lower torque values on a walnut stock. You should check torque before using the gun the first few times until torque remains stable.

Others will have different recommendations, but this is what works for me.

I should add that I don't use thread locking compound.
I have always cleaned the tgreads very well, if stock screws are sloppy I replaced them with better quality screws. Add a small drip of blue loctite and wipe off the excess. Tightened just good and snug making sure there is no play... Let gun sit fir 24 hrs. It has been almost 2 years since I last set my stock screws and no loosening has occured!! Been doungbthat for almost 30 years and never an issue. Most folks dont clean the threads, or use sloppy fitting screws, or use to much loctite....these are the reasons their screws come loose.