Tuxing double cylinder pcp air compressor - taking the plunge.

You can't complain about support like that. It's nice to know that some of these Chinese companies are willing to back their products. If only some of the middle-men that onsell the products had the same ethics.

Can't agree more. I buy from Taobao of China, an e-commerce platform like Ebay operated by Alibaba. Customers can chat with sellers on line and the replies are often instant. I am yet to experience anything close when doing on-line shopping in other parts of the world. 

Many has complained about the lack of user instructions for Chinese products but I have never seen such feedback from buyers in China because they can get instant answers from the sellers on line. Man power in China is still very cheap so they can afford to do so.

The lack of support for these product when sold aboard is mostly due to those middle-men who want to reap profit quickly without spending resources to offer the required support.
My two cylinder Tuxing has been repaired by Nick ( @socaloldman ) with the repair parts that Tuxing sent to me; a new breaker, power switch and motor controller. He's using it now for his own personal use, and its working like a champ. I moved from Carlsbad CA in the 'burbs to San Diego downtown in Mission Hills in the past 6 months. Houses are close together and the noise from the Tuxing was getting too many complaints. Nick did a great job repairing it, and updating some of my sloppy wiring. He's topped off 3 tanks so far all the way to 4500 psi, so I think the repairs were a success. I also gave him enough repairs parts like seals, O-rings, piston rings, etc. to rebuild the compressor at least 3 times... Thanks @josoo for sending the Tuxing repair parts!!!

This is the last of my posts on the Tuxing. If you'd like to know more about it feel free to PM Nick, I'm sure he'll answer your questions. Thanks for all the 7713 views and numerous accuracy points, I appreciate it! I'll be reporting on the 3 stage Daystate LC110 as time goes by on another post.

FYI, this compressor is still running like a champ 3 1/2 years later... ;)

Love to hear that!

(Feb. 2022) I bought the "TXEDT032" Dec. 24th, 2021 on Amazon with a 4-year warranty and I have been using it for multiple PCP Air guns & (Two) 45 minute (68 cu ft ?) 4500 PSI SCBA tanks. The unit has about 2 HOURS +/- run time on it so far, which consists of the following usage:
A 10 min. test run after setup, 3 total top-offs of the SCBA tank(s), and a single EMPTY to FULL fill of an SCBA tank (all 4300 PSI fills).
DETAILS: (2) top-offs of a re-certified circa 2012 SCBA tank from approx. 3100-4300 PSI each time (approx. 25 min. +/- total), (1) top-off (same tank) from about 2800-4300 PSI (approx. 15 min. total), and a single complete fill on a different re-certified circa 2016 SCBA from 0-4300 PSI (approx. 60 min. +/- total) with no issues to mention.

NOTE: On the 0-4300 PSI fill, I stopped at 2500 PSI and let the compressor rest (Cooling system running) for 15-20 min., then continued to the 4300 PSI total fill.

All fill times were done outside in 45F - 48F degrees for the top-offs and about 43F +/- degrees for the EMPTY to FULL 4300 PSI fill.

Hope this input helps!

UPDATE 5/30/2022

I now have used the compressor for over 5 hours. At the 5 hour mark I changed the oil for the 1st time (which is quite easy!). I'm using "Royal Purple" Synthetic oil ("Synfilm Recip. 100") - Reciprocating Air Compressor Oil. The Tuxing TXEDT032 compressor has been a great investment so far and the product seems to be of above average quality.
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