Tuning Tuner needed for Beeman Hurricane and C1 [Houston area?]

Hello... My Beemans [Hurricane and C-1] are both getting old... already replaced cracked and rotted breach seals. But they both deserve/need a real tune/clean/lube beyound my amateur skills. I'm in Houston where there used to be a good guy that did my R-1 and Hy-score but lost track of him... Probably have to send the Hurricane to someone, is OK too. Hope I didn't already post this here. Forget stuff sometimes. Thanks
Actually, the C-1 is a very simple platform that is easily rebuilt with common hand tools and without a spring compressor. Parts are available from ARH and others. The Beeman owners' manual has clear, concise, and easy to follow instructions. It is hard to go wrong and a great learning experience and sense of satisfaction upon completition. Just make sure that you have the "spring tamer" guide which was a standard part for all exceot the earliest rifles. This oem guide has a "fat" section (actually a loop) that creates a tight fit and with tar or other lube puts a stop to all manner of twang and buzz. Easy peasy.

If you still feel unqualified, almost any reputable tuner can do the job in about an hour or maybe longer if you polish the heck out of the innards upon reassembly.
