There's A Killer Cricket On The Loose In My Shooting Range

[There's A Killer Cricket On The Loose In My Shooting Range]
And it's decimating targets like it's on a mission to humiliate the rest of my airguns..
This Thing Is Ridiculously Accurate & It Is Way Too Much Fun!

Big Thanks to steppenwulf for my new [to me] KalibrGun Cricket Mini Carbine WST .22,
and to Centercut for helping me pull the trigger on the purchase of this amazing rifle!
Mark & Mike, You Guys Rock!

Well.. On with the show! [I'll be continuously updating this thread so stay tuned] 

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^^^ Fresh out of the box:
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^^^ Temporary Setup: 
Kickstand: Leapers/UTG 360 HD Recon Bipod 
HHA Sports - Optimizer Speed Dial Adjustable Rail 
Scope is an El' Cheapo - CVLife 4-16x44 w/ red laser combo
[Terrible eye-relief, focus, mounting location, etc. but it's all I had]
Waiting for Low-Pro rings, so I can mount one of my Disco VT-T 6-24x50s 
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^^^ SplatterBurst-Sight In-Target # 1: RIP.
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Yuuup.. For a new gun, sketchy scope, and inability to cheek-weld,
I'll take it. I can't wait to get this thing set up properly.. It's gonna' be unreal..


Sam -

PS: A few of those shots were done using the red laser beam.
I couldn't resist.. 😃
Nice!!! Your serial # is only 5 off from mine! Probably made the same day. ;)

Best rings I've found for that gun are the one piece AccuSync rings from UTG. About $32.

These allow you to mount the scope forward enough to get proper eye relief... But not sure how things fir with the HHA Optimizer...

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Black is usually about $20 cheaper than the various colored ones... ;)
Brian, Thank you very much!
This one's going to be fun and entertaining for sure! 🙂👍 

Centercut, The serial numbers - That's too cool! 
Even wilder, mine has 4 consecutive #s in it that matches my social security #. 😃 
Hey, thanks again for reminding me about that mount! This time I added it to my watch list! 
With the Optimizer, a few guys said to try some super short rings first to see how the combo sights in, 
and, hopefully also offers a 'cheek weld' vs a 'chin weld' - like I've had to deal with lately.. 
Eye relief is another biggie.. I have a Side-Shot that I'll also have to fit and figure out.
Checking into a mini range-finder also, but, don't want the setup turning into a 50lb Swiss army knife either.. 🤣 

L.Leon, Thank you! And will do! 
This one was just meant to be.. I've been wanting a Cricket for years, but kept holding off / never had the funds..
I'd been saving up to replace a very expensive super-zoom-lens for my camera, so.. 'funds' were 'kinda' there.. 
Centercut and I had been chatting about these Mini Carbines vs. the Bullpups literally the night before, 
and touched on how rare it is to see them pop up for sale.. The very next day - It hit the classifieds.. Unreal.. 
My long distance nature photography will just have to hold off a little longer.. haha 👍

Fuss, Thanks a bunch brutha! And hey.. Steal away! I have a special place in my heart for "kick-stands" 
as I'v been BIG into bmx and on/off road motorcycles all of my life.. When I managed our local bike shop, 
I must have installed thousands of them.. Then when I had my custom shop, and built my Mitsubishi "Micro Max" 
mini-truck, I installed [welded] a k-stand to that too! hahaha 
I'd drive around low or at normal ride height, then when I needed to park, I'd raise the air suspension all the way up, 
then dump just the driver side, so the truck leaned at an angle.. I'd open my door, kick the k-stand down, 
get out, shut the door, and walk away just like parking a bike.. It was always good for a laugh! Never a dull moment..
Pics, or it didn't happen right? So here ya go! lol..🤣 
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Regarval, Thank you! 
It's cool to hear that you have one too, and that smile.. Now I can see why! 
I had so many ear-to-ear-grins today, that I'm surprised that my face doesn't hurt. 🤪

LDM, Thank you very much! 
Everyone is right when they say that photos just don't do some things justice.. 
That's my thought with these. KalibrGun did a pretty amazing job with this one.
You scored a beauty there for sure. I will have to check the serial number on mine now and see how close we all are. These are under rated and pretty rare guns. Once you get your scope mounted up I'm sure you will be able to get a good comfortable cheek weld. 

I'm sure Mike has already said but if you can get hold of a biathlon side leaver and also the replacement cocking plate they are inexpensive and worth while additions that make the gun even more user friendly. 

Mine is like a laser at 50yrds with the 16 grain air arms diablo pellets. Not far off with Jsb too. I keep meaning to tune and try and run heavier pellets for longer distances but don't want to mess with something this good?

@Centercut it would be great to hear how you think these compare to the vulcan 2 tactic as they seem very similar to me? (perhaps PM me or separate thread, don't want to stomp on this one :) )

Enjoy this beauty and looking forward to updates✌️
Swami, Thank you very much! 
Now you have me curious how close Your serial number will be to ours.. This one's funny. 
Rare / Underrated - I keep hearing that from every single person who's owned / loved these guns. And I have to agree. 
I can't wait to get the whole scope situation figured out so I can get this rifle 100% in action. 
Cheek-weld: Worst case, I might fabricate a different top section. I had it apart earlier, and it looks simple enough. 
The con - I live over an hour away from my little workshop where all of my tools, etc. are. *sigh* 
We'll see though. And fingers-crossed. 

Biathlon levers are a big deal for me. I absolutely love them, and one way or another will convert all of my guns.. 
The side levers are 'okay', but just more of a pain than their worth.
I was going to fab a metal lever for my Puncher Breakers, P15, and this Cricket [If I can find the time]
Again, same deal - I'm really far away from my tools. I should just bring my TIG welder here, and weld in my apartment.. 
It's not like it throws sparks. haha
The side-plate: Agreed.. And actually, I was prepared to modify the OEM plate, but luckily, this one has Donny's plate already installed.
So score! It works fantastic. And I was saved from ever having to see what the mag loading frustrations were all about. 😃 

Yours: Aw, that's awesome to hear! Laser like accuracy is the best, and still amazes me every time.. 
Glad to hear that you found a pellet that works best and got your rifle so dialed in!

Right now, since I'm only shooting 10m inside, I always start by throwing some Crosman Premier 14.3 grain HPs through my guns..
That's exactly what I did this time around, and from the looks of things, I think that I'll be safe to use them indoors from now on.

I didn't touch anything - as far as hammer spring adjustments.. I'm going to try another 'lighter weight' pellet first..
Mark was extra-cool, and threw in a full tin of JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo 15.89s. An awesome gesture and fun surprise! 
I've never fired those before, so, it should be really interesting! Especially comparing to the Premiers that I'm more than used to..
Mark said the same as you.. Laser accuracy using the JSB 15.89s, so I can't wait to give em' a whirl now. 

Like you mentioned, shooting heavier grains.. 
All of my other pellets are JSB and H&Ns and on the heavier side. 18s, 21s, etc.. I'm really curious how they'll shoot too! 
I always test them [on the 'factory tune' just to get a rough idea of accuracy, consistency, fps, velocity] 

Hey, thank you again, and I'll be sure to post updates! This will be my 'dedicated Cricket thread' from here forward..


Sam -

PS: You guys are always more than welcome to chat freely on my threads! 
Don't worry about having to PM - Unless it's better / easier for you..

I always tell people - The more [random] information everyone can take in the better!

It's close but no cigar! 


I'm sure with you're fabricating skills you will be able to make a better biathalon than I bought off Ebay.


Take a look at how Derrick @zx10wall bends his over, that's pretty cool too.

They seem to prefer the 5.52 head size pellets in my experience. If you can't get hold of the diablo fields I can send you some to try.

What's great about these is it has performed this way right out of the gate from when I opened the box!

Have fun :)



Ahhh so close with the serials, but apparently close only counts in horseshoes [target shooting] and hand grenades?! 😃

As far as fabbing levers.. 
The Kral levers are said to be worthless, so, I figured I'd make a better one using steel..
The P15, I can actually totally get away with using a 3D printed slip-on like the one that you have. Those are really nice!
Unfortunately on the Cricket - Since I'm using the Optimizer and it has the dial-wheel on the right hand side.. 
It's already a tight fit getting my booger pickers on the OEM one, so a slip on 'extension' would probably hit..
That said, I'll have to either re-design/mod the OEM one to make the main lever shorter, or, re-design all together..
I just couldn't keep things simple now, could I?! 🤣 

Speaking of 3D printed stuff.. I'm actually waiting to get my P15 high capacity mags from Darko!
I had him do 2 of those, and a single shot loader. Can't wait!

Between him and JB, we're all covered one way or another! 👍 

You mentioned: "Take a look at how Derrick @zx10wall bends his over"
Do you have a picture of that by chance? I'm all sorts of open for ideas..

I even thought of cutting down the OEM lever at the curve [where the last bend is]
Then drilling and tapping the end, so that a vertical knob could then just be screwed on, or 2 [top/bottom]
Still dreaming..

Hey, thank you for the heads up about the head-size, and about the Diabolo-Fields!

I just checked PA, and they are listing two different versions:

Heavies 18g w/ 5.52 


Regulars 16g w/ 5.51 

I'll assume that you were recommending the Heavies?

Also, I haven't ever tried these pellets before, so again, it'd be nice to check them out and see how all the rifles like them!

You said it - It's unreal that rifles like these can perform so amazingly straight out of the box.. That will never stop amazing & impressing me!


Sam -


I've been drooling over the KalibrGun lineup of guns for yeeaars.. 
The Cricket bullpup was my favorite - because I've been a bullpup shooter for like 15 years [centerfire rifles too]
Next in line was the Mini Carbine. [Even though it is probably better ergonomically and shooting than the pup?]
The Capybara and the Colibri are also 2 of the coolest rifles I've seen! I just wish they were available - Don't we all?! 
And then there's their Ocelot pistol - I'm a really big fan of the design! 
While on Krale's site, I grabbed an Artemis PP700S_A, and absolutely love it.. Mine is in carbine form w/ the folding stock.. 
I can only imagine that the Ocelot is a million times better, and I can't even imagine how fun it would be to shoot that!

YOU my friend have Excellent taste in guns!


Sam -
While I'm here, I figured I'd post a quick update.. 
Then I really need to force myself to try to catch a few Z's.

I couldn't sleep as usual - Big surprise.. haha So I plopped down, and did a bit more shooting..
While the Crosman Premiers shoot really well, I was still getting expected / intermittent flyers.. 
I broke out the tin of JSB 15.89 Diabolos that Mark included, and gave a few a whirl.. 
Just 5. I wanted to save them for when the setup is complete and dialed in..
Shot 1: Bulls-Eye. Shot 2: Same hole. Shot 3: Same hole. Shot 4: Same hole. Shot 5: Same hole.
Umm.. Yup.. It likes em'. It likes em' a Lot. I loaded up a full mag, and went for individual bulls.. 
Bull after bull.. Pellets made their way to dead-center! Outstanding. And not a single flyer! 


Oh! Before I forget, because this seems like it is an important one!

I filled the cylinder to sooo close, we'll call it 300 bar..
I fired 1 magazine, then checked the gauge/pressure. 
Then fired 1 more magazine, and checked it again...

I have no clue what to expect, but, I was a bit surprised at how much the needle/pressure seemed to drop..

300 bar - after 14 shots = 

Now here's the gauge after 2 mags / 28 shots: 

For those of you who are used to these rifles - Is this normal? 
I've heard that you can crack off a LOT of shots in between refills.. Like upwards of 80-90? 
Seeing the needle/pressure drop that quick just got me a bit curious, that's all.. 
I don't know why, but, I assumed that it would take a lot more shots to fall that far..

Anyways, Until' now, I've only been filling it to about 250 bar, 
and of course, having so much fun shooting, I lost track of how many shots I was getting, 
but I think I was rattling off at least 4 mags worth before the psi dropped to like 100 bar.

Alright.. On that note.. I need to take some sleep-meds [tequila] and try to pass out. 🤣 

Thanks a bunch in advance for any info relating to my ramble above.. lol


Sam -

First of all: Congrats on that awesome rifle, like you, I love the bullpups, and the Cricket was the first gun I was trying to get, but at the time of my searching it was sold out everywhere and I couldn't find it in the classifieds so I got my Taipan instead (I'm really happy with it too) But this gun is the one that got my attention originally.

I think you are right about the gun using too much air, it might be that the hammer spring tention is too high and you are wasting air, you might want to play with it a bit. You can do this really quick, check the speed you have right now.... and reduce a quarter turn and see if the speed if the same... if it's the same you just saved a bit of air right there, keep doing it until you see the speed drop.

If the speed drop the first time you do a quarter turn, you can back it up and leave it as is, if you don't want to change anything, but hey, like they say "15 minutes can save you 15% of air :)"
I always shoot the 18.1 grain JSB in mine. I have my reg set at 135 bar. My gun is set to shoot at 870 FPS. And I get about one 14 shot magazine for every 30 bar pressure drop. This gives me three mags down to about 160 bar. I can squeeze in another mag but I usually refill after 3. This setting is higher than the stock setting as far as pellet speed. From the factory it will be in the 835 to 850 FPS range with the 18.1s. I do a lot of shooting in excess of 50 yards up to about 115 yards, so the heavier pellets perform better and carry more energy downrange. 

@orion advice on checking HST is good advice. Also, I wouldn’t fill to greater that 250 bar. I know it’s capable of 300, but due the the physics of high pressure air you don’t gain much between 250 and 300, plus it stresses the seals on your gun more than necessary. 

AGN, are those photos BIG enough?! So much for 'downsizing'...
It's a good thing that nobody [hopefully] has to use dial-up-internet.

I'll have to try to remember to edit my pix, and downsize them by like 1,000,000 %

PERFECT SIZE PHOTO! I COULD SEE IT. Without the internet. 

I always fill to a 240 - 250 bar on my Kalibrguns. If the local dive shop fills my tank that high that is. 

Orion and Centercut - Have you covered here........

Nice to see someone else enjoying a Cricket. Is this big enough???? Looks like you after shooting that Cricket.


Thanks a million brother! That's so cool to hear. It's a bit of a buzzkill that you weren't able to find a Cricket when you wanted one, but.. 
You just can't go wrong with those Taipans either! Yours rocks! I've always been a big fan of those too.. The Mutant Mini was my fave. 
Now, with the improvements - The Vet is said to be even better, so that most definitely rocks! And I'm sure you also love that trigger! 

Hey, that was a fantastic 'walk-through' as far as HS-tuning goes! Thanks bro! 
I know that regs and HS chat has come up in convo before - in my P15 thread, but, I lucked out, so never had to do any adjusting.. 
This time, I was actually aware ahead of time that I'd probably have to do some tinkering.. 
Mark said that he had the gun set up to fire JSB 15.98s, and the rear of the block and the HS bolt are both clearly marked. 
This is good, as I'll have a 'starting point' should I need to put it right back to where it is/was.

I'll have to tinker for sure now.. [This is why I usually always get rifles with adjustable/external "power-dials"] 

While I've been plinking with the Premiers, and now the JSB 15s, 
Swami and I are chatting about getting some Air Arms .22 16 gr Fields, so I can try those too.. 

After that [or in between] I'll have to adjust for the heavier pellets that I'm used to shooting.. 
JSB 18s and H&N 21s are usually my two go-to pellets.

So yeah, I'll have some work to do, and, I'd better be sure to jot down some notes so I'll know where the HS has to be for each. 

Thanks again!! 


Sam -