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🤔 The Meaning of "FX" == For Xareful shooters only... 🤔

What is the meaning of "FX"...? 🤔

After reading some recent posts (cf. below), I've been wondering if there is a hidden meaning behing the brand name....

Could it be something like: "For Xareful shooter only"?

Before I receive a flood of hate mail and hate posts, please allow me to explain.

🔶 When I got into airgunning I was considering to buy a Gauntlet.

Due to its price category it had some shortcomings, no surprise there — the big barrel bugaboo.... caused significant POI shifts — because a slight bump to the barrel, or leaning it against a tree. 

That was THE DEAL BREAKER for me — because when I hunt and take my rifle on hikes and the like — I can't use a rifle the is only For Xareful shooters that never bump the barrel.

Just one Gauntlet quote:

The HUGE bugaboo has always been the POI shifts. Shoots tight groups.... you just never know where the next tight group will be.😂 SOURCE:

🔶 Now if you would please forgive a gullible, simple-minded airgunner like me for thinking the following: 🙄

"If I spend FOUR TIMES as much money on a PCP than on the Gauntlet — in that price category I surely will only get rifles that don't have such fatal problems as POI shifts."

⚠️ Now just imagine my surprise when I read posts like the following: ⚠️

🔶 Yesterday I would dry fire the rifle 5 times before I started shooting at targets. The POI was off and I had to correct with turret movement.

Got it dialed in and it was darn near hole in hole at 50 yards. I then shifted to another target and guess what! My POI had shifted.

🔶 The problem has to be that long unsupported barrel and shroud.

A slight bump of the bottle when using a barrel band or from a slight pressure on the shroud from any source transmits through the mechanics to the barrel and it's anchoring.

❌ One would think FX has heard about this issue and would provide an aftermarket fix, under warranty. ❌

⚠️ I have learned that lots of folks experience the same calamity. Some are lucky and for some reason it doesn't happen with their same model of rifle.

SOURCE: https://www.airgunnation.com/topic/observations-about-my-pcps/page/2/#post-683246

The mentioned thread has more testimonies about the For Xareful shooters only guns. In fact, the other forums I frequent report the same.

One more link: https://www.airgunnation.com/topic/fx-impact-x-mkii-unable-to-maintain-zero/

🔶 ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ 🔶

🔶 I really like the looks of many of the guns FX produces, I really do! I'm not an FX-Hater at all!

But I need to realize: High-end airguns get their big publicity not from hunters videoing squirrel kills in the woods or farmers on a pesting drive.

They get their big publicity from reports and posts about winning a competition (EBR & Co) — which are great For Xareful shooters as they can baby the guns there.

🔶 Ergo, my personal conclusion from this (doesn't have to be your conclusion, you get your very own, my friend! 😄): 

My type of shooting does not allow me to baby my guns. So, I won't be buying guns that are only For Xareful shooters — and to be clear — this is not so much about a brand name but about thin long free-floating barrels....

⚠️ I think we need to warn newbees to our hobby about this...!


Im confused Matthias do you have an FX? I have a crown with its free-floating barrel and I’ve never had POI shifts. I have an impact with no POI shift form just "leaning it against a tree" And from what I can see a free-floating barrel is more accurate Which is why I’m sure FX has gone with this. I dont understand what you mean, do you suggest any company not going with a properly secured Free floating barrel? Look at the dreamline, clearly FX heard people’s concerns and for those that hunt and are worried about it being knocked out of place FX has a barrel band that can be added for cheap. I assume that would be the "After Market Fix" I don’t get the purpose of this post, you say your not hating but that seems to be exactly what this is. I’m with the other guy, seems like you’re trying to cleverley troll in my opinion. But maybe that’s just me. Don't get me wrong I read through the messages posted with an open mind, I am not fan boying I just am trying to read between the lines. This seems nothing more than the Firearms classic Glock vs (any gun) or M16 vs AK47 but you didnt even list a comparison that matches the durability test you were suggesting.
 Agreed a blanket statement,seems a lot of people make them,No big thing,I have a free floated barrel rifles and pistols,they get bumped and never lost zero,I can move the barrel and it goes right back to where it started, it does concern me, has never became a problem...also got big fat barreled rifles...heavy beasts,they also hold zero,I tell what does't hold zero,ME....Yes Me,one day I can ,next day I can't...Never the gun I am shooting,Maybe the scope....yea it's the scope.....too much coffee maybe...in the end I am having an off day..older I get the more off I get.,,wow now I remember days past I got" off" then to....
When I first started I buy 3 marauders in the 3 calibers...the don't Last me 3 months..barrel were great to the point that we're almost as good as my taipans..but they you pic them one day..n they were everywhere..no matter what you do from there on every day the shoot different.. I have the same problem with the 3 even when they were carefully stored n cleaned after each shooting section..if I can't stand that in a $400 pcp how can I spend 2k n have the chance of the same problem...I really was hoping for better reviews to buy a mk2..but then the problems started to appear again..maybe many of the people who buy them really have the time to make the fixes..but for the average air gunners who work hard for their toys really only have time to shoot . not to be playing n tuning every time they want to shoot another heavy bullet or caliber change .I admit I don't have the time or skill n that will take me to have to ship the gun to be fixed..if that happens few times..really fast you have spent to much I a gun that now is a $1700 gun at best ... I don't have time for that so I have 1 gun for wat ever I want to shoot..one gun to shoot light pellets n another for heavy pellets n slugs..I try to do that in every caliber I want to shoot..the reason for that I hate to change barrels..I don even do that in my airforce..I pic a gun and I know exactly what it shoots..I pic my 177 cricket a really old one n I know where that pellet is going today tomorrow n every day after..when I se the reviews from that brand like the one I found when I chose to buy my taipans n crickets you be sure I buy one in a heart beat..really like the design n ergonomics that's the only rifle of them i really want to try..
I for one really wish that the original smooth twist barrels were an option on all new FX models. I have owned both original and the X barrels and absolutely love the old style. Solid, accurate, never have to clean, no change in POI. Especially on the dreamline platform as not many people are using them for slugs so they don't need the slug liner option. I would have a Crown if they came with a smooth twist barrel. I even looked into fitting one to a crown but the diameter is different to the STX barrels. May still do that project when time and funding allow it but for now I'll stick with my Royale 400 and know exactly where the pellet is gonna hit.

If one thinks about it there are $200 firearms with sturdier barrel fastening methods and steel receivers. 

The receiver on my Mac1 USFT PCP is thicker than any firearm I own, though it's aluminium. 

It's only the mentality of building frailty into PCP's that needs to change. Imo, it's better to sacrifice lightness for a little more weight by having a steel receiver and a superior way of fastening the barrel. Also lose the flimsy shrouds, liners, and barrel bands. 

Btw' the worst shifting I've had was with the barrel band in my steyr lg100. Hard to describe but it's part of the receiver about a foot down the barrel. Once free floated the poi shifts were gone. 

I don't disagree, but the trend seems to be going toward free floating barrels. Look how many Daystates have them. When I purchased my Daystate Regal XL used, the p.o. had removed the barrel band. Both Precision Air and AOA said I would get better groups without it. I bought it to hunt, so I replaced it because like you stated, in the woods things like bumps and drops happen. I don't think I've ever taken that gun hunting and not banged it or had it slide to the ground after propping it against a tree, and it always holds it's poa to poi.

Free floating barrels themselves are not the issue. It's the mounting interface. 

I come from a powder burner background, and a cardinal sin for precision rifles is not having the barrel free floated. Not free floating the barrel definitely does have a negative impact on the precision of the rifle. You don't want anything influencing the barrel.

My rifle barrels are torqued on 80-100 ft-lbs. They are solid. Perhaps airgun manufacturers should look into taking a page out of the powder burner world on this.
If one thinks about it there are $200 firearms with sturdier barrel fastening methods and steel receivers. 

The receiver on my Mac1 USFT PCP is thicker than any firearm I own, though it's aluminium. 

It's only the mentality of building frailty into PCP's that needs to change. Imo, it's better to sacrifice lightness for a little more weight by having a steel receiver and a superior way of fastening the barrel. Also lose the flimsy shrouds, liners, and barrel bands. 

Btw' the worst shifting I've had was with the barrel band in my steyr lg100. Hard to describe but it's part of the receiver about a foot down the barrel. Once free floated the poi shifts were gone. 

I was amazed coming into the airgun world the design decisions these manufacturers were making. Completely counter to what the powder burner world does, and often to the detriment of precision.
🔶 As the OP I appreciate the open exchange of opinions. Thanks guys (and gals)! 👍🏼 

🔶 I'm also a bit surprised at the rapid stream of posts on this thread. ➔ ? 🤔 ?

I was just thinking through most of the longer pieces that I posted — and none received much of a response, certainly not so many and so quickly.... 🤔 

In the past year or so I started threads with some of the following:

Scope Specs Tables comparing 150 scopes, and a Scope Mount Table

▪a Slug Table with current prices and weights/ sizes,

▪a Comprehensive BC Table for .22 pellets, 

▪a 40 Bullpup Photo Comparison Chart, and a 77 Springer Specs Comparison (.22).

Should I be flattered at the attention this post is getting...? 🤔


PS: Plz, enjoy your weekend. If you can, SHOOT AT SOMETHING!!  😄 
I took it as "for Xtra careful" shooters. Besides the older style fxs like the old tarantula types and the royal/boss/bobcat line I've never heard of an FX regarded as robust. I can't have a gun that I need to chase the poi on from the shroud getting bumped. Once my guns are all setup tune and scoped I will fit the barrel or shroud top, bottom, left, right and also push on it in all directions and then test if poi has changed. If they don't pass the test there not for me. Many higher end Airguns though have no issue with this. Now I haven't owned a FX but from what I hear they do suffer from it. Maybe not all but quite a few do. I think a big thing is the quick barrel changes. I mean one or 2 setscrews is all that hold the barrel and then free-floated the rest of the way? There's lots of room for error there. But hey for competition guns on benchrest I doubt it's a big deal. But for me where I pest and my guns get bumped I just can't have that.

Dillon, I agree 100%. A worthless pile if it won't hold zero. And from what I heard, almost kept me from getting an impact. Was definitely skeptical. But after pulling the liner system apart and seeing how it all works together made me feel a little better. With the impact, half of my 700mm is supported through the frame of the rifle. This rifle stands in the corner and is picked up by the shroud almost always. I've wacked it on door jambs and just this evening, jammed the barrel on the window sill trying to hurry and make a shot on a starling. How I check to see if my poi changes is a metal t post at 97 yrds. Needless to say, the smack of the 25 grain redesigned monster let me know all was fine. Now, I have no illusions of a 700 mm hanging off a crown would handle the same treatment. 500 mm would be my max comfort zone in that platform for how I use my guns. A compact with a 380mm barrel wouldn't scare me one bit. I'd venture to say some of these poi shifts are self inflicted. Ernest has said he's seen the breach end thimble distorted from people over torquing the liner. I went one step further, not that I was having any problem. And sleeved the liner with carbon fiber tube. Now the liner is only supported in the middle and both ends. 3200 pellets down range in the last month and a half and still holding good. 

When the Impact first came out, I had to have one and was fortunate enough to get one. My other gun was a BSA Ultra so it was an eye opener. There was nowhere near the information available to help me as there is now. The gun had issues and long story short, I sold it. Very easily. I haven’t bought a FX since but I am patiently waiting. They are getting there and I think it’s because the company can’t ignore what consumers complain about. They have one more issue to fix and when they do, I will buy one. Guys are complaining, 3D printers are printing and when FX addresses it, I will click “buy” and give one a chance again. I, like others, want a rugged gun that every owner says it’s rugged. Not 50% of owners.
If one thinks about it there are $200 firearms with sturdier barrel fastening methods and steel receivers. 

The receiver on my Mac1 USFT PCP is thicker than any firearm I own, though it's aluminium. 

It's only the mentality of building frailty into PCP's that needs to change. Imo, it's better to sacrifice lightness for a little more weight by having a steel receiver and a superior way of fastening the barrel. Also lose the flimsy shrouds, liners, and barrel bands. 

Btw' the worst shifting I've had was with the barrel band in my steyr lg100. Hard to describe but it's part of the receiver about a foot down the barrel. Once free floated the poi shifts were gone. 

No question, steel receiver takes care of shifting. My CRX-ST never changes poi but it weighs over 16#s. Uj