The journey of starting my Youtube channel


Jul 15, 2018
BC, Canada
Woke up this morning and checked my Youtube channel and realized today was my 5th year since I started. Crazy how time flies and how many videos I have posted since.

I started this channel mainly to let my family members oversea to watch and see me on screen. Second reason was a place to keep my content online so that my kids could look me up when they misses me after I am done. Yeah, life is short so live it up!

I learned a lot about air guns shooting and I am very fortunate to have a few permissions through word of mouth. Getting the first permission was lucky because I met a friend who rented and lived on a farm land. I got to shoot pellets using a cheap Chinese made break barrel. That was how it started. I started watching Si Pittaway's channel from UK and I was hooked with his ability to shoot his Weihrach 97, .177. So I bought my first HW97 in .22 then a .177 laminated stock. I was terrible at first but I learned and got better each day.

Then there was this "rabbit hole" as people called it in this AGN forum which I found soon after trolling online looking for airgun contents. I bought my first PCP, HW100T in .22 calibre. Wow, how soon I had forgotten about my break barrel guns. This gun was so easy to shoot and I was able to stretch my distance from 25 yards back to 75 yards in a very short time. I went thru a lot of pellets, trying to find the best ones. I ended up with the AA 16 and 18gr. Pest birds and rabbits were dropping regularly when I was out there shooting them. That was back in 2018.

Jan 28, 2019 I decided to start my Youtube channel and I came up with the name, Air Rifle Pestings. I didn't know what I was doing in terms of creating contents and editing. I just pressed record and talked gibberish. Ya, my old videos were quite bad, lol. But they were my memories and I was proud of them.

I remembered feeling happy with the first 10 subscribers being my friends and family members. Then the channel slowly gained traction and I eventually hit 100 subs. Wow, I have made some friends online, lol.

Which reminds me, I want to do a shoutout to these two forum members: shambozzie and slowpoke airgunner
I remembered shambozzie because he replied me in my first post here and he showed me his awesome backyard shooting range.
Slowpoke Airgunner did a shout out for me in his Youtube channel, which helped jumped start my channel.

I can't remember when I reached 1000 subscribers but I was both surprised and happy I have reached that far. I was qualified to began to earn peanuts lol.

As I gotten deeper into this rabbit hole, my collection of airguns increased. Since my HW100T, I got an Air Arm S510 in .177, FX Crown, Daystate Regal XL, FX Impact MK2. Lots of starlings, doves, crows have fallen under these PCP, especially with the Impact. 6 coyotes have been dispatched with the Impact as well. Lots of videos have been created and shared online with a few people. Thank you for those who follow me.

Hopefully I will continue to test new products and create better contents for those who care to watch.

Thank you Michael for this forum platform where I can reach out to members for help and advise, and of course to share my video contents.

Well, I am currently playing with the Snowpeak M60B .22 cal. It has potential with the Hades 16gr out to 50 yards. I will be using it to shoot rats in the upcoming days. Will see how it performs.

I have the new Discovery ED 4-20x52mm FFP scope to play with as well. This will be my first experience with a FFP scope. Curious to see how it compares to my Element Helix SFP scopes.

I am eyeing the new FX DRS Pro. Wow, nice rig but probably out of my reach, lol.
Woke up this morning and checked my Youtube channel and realized today was my 5th year since I started. Crazy how time flies and how many videos I have posted since.

I started this channel mainly to let my family members oversea to watch and see me on screen. Second reason was a place to keep my content online so that my kids could look me up when they misses me after I am done. Yeah, life is short so live it up!

I learned a lot about air guns shooting and I am very fortunate to have a few permissions through word of mouth. Getting the first permission was lucky because I met a friend who rented and lived on a farm land. I got to shoot pellets using a cheap Chinese made break barrel. That was how it started. I started watching Si Pittaway's channel from UK and I was hooked with his ability to shoot his Weihrach 97, .177. So I bought my first HW97 in .22 then a .177 laminated stock. I was terrible at first but I learned and got better each day.

Then there was this "rabbit hole" as people called it in this AGN forum which I found soon after trolling online looking for airgun contents. I bought my first PCP, HW100T in .22 calibre. Wow, how soon I had forgotten about my break barrel guns. This gun was so easy to shoot and I was able to stretch my distance from 25 yards back to 75 yards in a very short time. I went thru a lot of pellets, trying to find the best ones. I ended up with the AA 16 and 18gr. Pest birds and rabbits were dropping regularly when I was out there shooting them. That was back in 2018.

Jan 28, 2019 I decided to start my Youtube channel and I came up with the name, Air Rifle Pestings. I didn't know what I was doing in terms of creating contents and editing. I just pressed record and talked gibberish. Ya, my old videos were quite bad, lol. But they were my memories and I was proud of them.

I remembered feeling happy with the first 10 subscribers being my friends and family members. Then the channel slowly gained traction and I eventually hit 100 subs. Wow, I have made some friends online, lol.

Which reminds me, I want to do a shoutout to these two forum members: shambozzie and slowpoke airgunner
I remembered shambozzie because he replied me in my first post here and he showed me his awesome backyard shooting range.
Slowpoke Airgunner did a shout out for me in his Youtube channel, which helped jumped start my channel.

I can't remember when I reached 1000 subscribers but I was both surprised and happy I have reached that far. I was qualified to began to earn peanuts lol.

As I gotten deeper into this rabbit hole, my collection of airguns increased. Since my HW100T, I got an Air Arm S510 in .177, FX Crown, Daystate Regal XL, FX Impact MK2. Lots of starlings, doves, crows have fallen under these PCP, especially with the Impact. 6 coyotes have been dispatched with the Impact as well. Lots of videos have been created and shared online with a few people. Thank you for those who follow me.

Hopefully I will continue to test new products and create better contents for those who care to watch.

Thank you Michael for this forum platform where I can reach out to members for help and advise, and of course to share my video contents.

Max115, keep up the good work. Can't wait for your new videos to drop. You are the Man. Stay well my friend.
Woke up this morning and checked my Youtube channel and realized today was my 5th year since I started. Crazy how time flies and how many videos I have posted since.

I started this channel mainly to let my family members oversea to watch and see me on screen. Second reason was a place to keep my content online so that my kids could look me up when they misses me after I am done. Yeah, life is short so live it up!

I learned a lot about air guns shooting and I am very fortunate to have a few permissions through word of mouth. Getting the first permission was lucky because I met a friend who rented and lived on a farm land. I got to shoot pellets using a cheap Chinese made break barrel. That was how it started. I started watching Si Pittaway's channel from UK and I was hooked with his ability to shoot his Weihrach 97, .177. So I bought my first HW97 in .22 then a .177 laminated stock. I was terrible at first but I learned and got better each day.

Then there was this "rabbit hole" as people called it in this AGN forum which I found soon after trolling online looking for airgun contents. I bought my first PCP, HW100T in .22 calibre. Wow, how soon I had forgotten about my break barrel guns. This gun was so easy to shoot and I was able to stretch my distance from 25 yards back to 75 yards in a very short time. I went thru a lot of pellets, trying to find the best ones. I ended up with the AA 16 and 18gr. Pest birds and rabbits were dropping regularly when I was out there shooting them. That was back in 2018.

Jan 28, 2019 I decided to start my Youtube channel and I came up with the name, Air Rifle Pestings. I didn't know what I was doing in terms of creating contents and editing. I just pressed record and talked gibberish. Ya, my old videos were quite bad, lol. But they were my memories and I was proud of them.

I remembered feeling happy with the first 10 subscribers being my friends and family members. Then the channel slowly gained traction and I eventually hit 100 subs. Wow, I have made some friends online, lol.

Which reminds me, I want to do a shoutout to these two forum members: shambozzie and slowpoke airgunner
I remembered shambozzie because he replied me in my first post here and he showed me his awesome backyard shooting range.
Slowpoke Airgunner did a shout out for me in his Youtube channel, which helped jumped start my channel.

I can't remember when I reached 1000 subscribers but I was both surprised and happy I have reached that far. I was qualified to began to earn peanuts lol.

As I gotten deeper into this rabbit hole, my collection of airguns increased. Since my HW100T, I got an Air Arm S510 in .177, FX Crown, Daystate Regal XL, FX Impact MK2. Lots of starlings, doves, crows have fallen under these PCP, especially with the Impact. 6 coyotes have been dispatched with the Impact as well. Lots of videos have been created and shared online with a few people. Thank you for those who follow me.

Hopefully I will continue to test new products and create better contents for those who care to watch.

Thank you Michael for this forum platform where I can reach out to members for help and advise, and of course to share my video contents.

Very nice. I have the same justification in my children for memories though I won’t be just about AG’s
Shambozzie likes to help where he can and besides being a fellow #TUSLASOUSA member, he’s just a great guy. The # is a joke on lefty’s. We do tend to keep good airguns between us.
I’m glad you found something that you’re passionate about to do
Very nice. I have the same justification in my children for memories though I won’t be just about AG’s
Shambozzie likes to help where he can and besides being a fellow #TUSLASOUSA member, he’s just a great guy. The # is a joke on lefty’s. We do tend to keep good airguns between us.
I’m glad you found something that you’re passionate about to do
That is awesome. Yes, I am very fortunate to have permissions to shoot my airguns and the patience to stick with tasks at hands. Editing videos is very time consuming but I do enjoy learning and creating contents that people like.
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Reactions: JamesD.
Hi Max.

Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary on YouTube.

One of the many reasons I watch, is your honesty. You miss your target and you leave it in the video. Most people would edit that part out and only show the good part. It just shows that you are no different than the rest of us.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, I forgot. Could you please get that coyote.

Take care, Bernie.
Thank you Bernie for your continuing support. Ya, I am just an "average Joe" when it comes to shooting. Someday I could hardly missed and someday not so good. That's the challenge with shooting our airguns. Lots of factors involved, wind being the worst lol. Yes, I am still keeping my eyes on those coyotes. I am checking my trail cam regularly. I will get it eventually, lol.